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It should be understood in relation to other aspects of modern football – an increased focus on ball retention in midfield makes movement in attacking positions more valuable, whilst the increased pace of modern footballers and the tendency to play on the counter-attack (primarily because there is more space to exploit) have also contributed.


C if a Quote is provided to the Customer via the Client Terminal or the telephone, the Customer Instruction must be given whilst the Quote is valid


In reality of course, we notice burndown charts that have their ups and downs whilst still meeting their target.


Mowing suppressed seedling emergence of tall-growing Stipa krylovii by affecting seed availability due to reproductive parts removal when mown in the previous year, whilst exerted a positive effect on low-growing Cleistogenes squarrossa probably as result of increased light availability and less competitive pressure from adult individuals, because mowing largely lowered the vegetation height and density. 3."U"shaped curve for seedling mortality across the entire growing season was thought to be associated with seasonal changes of air temperature but a small peak from mid-June to early July could probably be attributed to drought due to previous rainfall shortage.


Whilst this is a negative as it implies greater bond supply, we believe that the over riding weak economic growth picture as well as the need to keep official interest rates low will be the key driver of bonds and that until growth recovers bond yields are unlikely to rise.


Once the clipping point is reached and provided the car is on the correct line, the driver can start to feed the power back on whilst at the same time winding off the steering lock.


This gave the designers a direction on the design of the second floor meeting room, using a raised 'stage-set' platform (whilst the videoconferencing room once more uses the black herringbone timber).


Whilst we were buying an electric guitar, there was a guy came in and introduced himself to us that he was a song writer and producer and would like to see our band set up.


The skin resistance at 50Hz is approximately 3200Ωwhilst at 4000Hz it is reduced to approximately 40Ω.


The first,"amplitude max" spin can be caused by a pilot applying too much brake on one side whilst flying at trim speed.


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Whilst I Pursue My Way Unharmed

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
