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It is very likely that this worthy couple never absolutely conspired and agreed together in so many words; the one to cajole the young gentleman, whilst the other won his money at cards: but they understood each other perfectly well, and Rawdon let Osborne come and go with entire goos humor.


From the granite city of Aberdeen in the north to the rolling green hills of the South Hams heading towards historic Plymouth where Sir Francis Drake played his famous game of bowls whilst awaiting the invasion of the Spanish Armada.


The intimacy of the house has been retained through the use of exposed natural materials; Douglas Fur lime-washed broad planks throughout the ground floor, whilst black oak is used on the mezzanine, in harmony with the extension ceiling parallel to it, emphasising the overall warmth in design.

天然的材料使得整个房屋的舒适度得到可保留,一楼铺设的是Douglas Fur的白色宽条木板,夹层采用黑色的橡木,以配合并行延伸的天花板,使得房屋更显得温馨。

Whilst all Eldar are known for their arcane technology and capricious ways, by far the most mysterious of these aliens are the troubadour-warriors known as the Harlequins.


Whilst the Samaritans provided me with all I needed for my situation, there are not the only ones and of course there are a great number of helplines for dealing with specific issues such as bereavement, domestic violence etc.


You will only be served adverts if you are online whilst playing the game, and the adverts only appear in situ, so are only on the advertising hoardings around the side of the pitch.


Devices emitting ionising radiation intended for diagnostic radiology shall be designed and manufactured in such a way, as to achieve appropriate image and/or output quality for the intended medical purpose whilst minimising radiation exposure of the patient and user.


Devices emitting ionising radiation intended for diagnostic radiology shall be designed and manufactured in such a way as to achieve appropriate image and/or output quality for the intended medical purpose whilst minimizing radiation exposure of the patient and user.

11.5.2 释放诊断用电离辐射装置的设计及制造应达到适当的输出品质以供医疗目的用,且同时需减少病患及使用者暴露再辐射的机会下。

They can tempt the Zidanes the Kakas and Ronaldos whilst Livepool can only tempt Torres, the one and only truly global foreign star that has ever signed for Liverpool at his peak.


This process improves the appearance of a worsted fabric by removing fibrous material from the surface.a two-cylinder cutting machine is 英语翻译 in plate 51,whilst the principle of the action of the cutting parts is 英语翻译 in fig.43.the essential features arethe cutting—mower,together withthe ledger—blade,both andbeing positioned in a 商务英语报告格式,andthe bed over over which the cloth passes.there are also drawing rollers to pull the piece through the machine,a setting—up roller and several guides and tension meshanisms.the flocks shorn from the cloth are removed by a suction device.


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Whilst I Pursue My Way Unharmed

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
