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Whilst bouquets DO usually have flowers, no-one said they can't be made with other things as well.


Blatant handballs not awarded to us, accidental ones given to Bolton, time-wasting not dealt with, poor tackles from the Bolton Bruisers ignored whilst allowing Bolton players to climb over ours before giving free kicks against our players presumably for loitering with intent to try and play football.


This is in an attempt to combat the modern problem of ensuring the design of the emtire vehivle flows when viewed on the road whilst also having the fabric look roof that buyers of executive cabriolets still desire.


The upper section guides the flow of engine oil, whilst both camshafts are stored within a reinforcing ladder frame.


It seems certain, however, that many of them were originally communities of Benedictine nuns, which, for one reason or another, renounced their solemn vows and assumed the state of canonesses, whilst still observing some form of the Benedictine Rule.

这似乎可以肯定,然而,他们中许多人原先社区的本笃会修女,其中,由於某种原因,放弃了其庄严的誓言,并承担了国家canonesses ,同时还观测了某种形式的本笃规则。

The dance is recognisable for the long skirts with heavily frilled undergarments that the dancers wear, high kicks, hops in a circle whilst holding the other leg in the air, splits, cartwheels and other acrobatic tricks, normally accompanied by squeals and shrieks.


Charlotte Cory is a young woman convict on Death Row who has built up a friendship with Frank Nitzche through mail correspondence, whilst her attorney desperately tries to appeal the verdict before Charlottes time runs out.


Steiner opened his carpenters shop in 1944 and in the middle of the 50's, whilst looking for a simple means of joining the recently introduced chipboard, invented almost by accident the now world-famous Lamello Joining System.


As a key point of my consideration, the complexity of China issues bring unprecedented suffers in mental and whilst I am attracted by its charms which is an incomparable collapsar of knowledge.


Whilst the nasal dilators open the airways to allow ease of breathing through the nostrils , a slight pressure is applied to the sensory nerve points situated within the entry to the septum .


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Whilst I Pursue My Way Unharmed

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
