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与 whilst 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whilst simple, we need to make sure that the revolved surface is thicker at the base.


These figures — as unseeing as they are insincerely jovial — are often in poses taken from Christian iconography or from popular Chinese art: the ridded body of St. Sebastian becomes a jolly scarecrow complete with totally-unfazed birds perching on the shoulders, whilst the 'greetings' putty of Chinese folklore are shown astride far 'good luck' fish and painted as caricature portraits of the artist.


But we also undertook some indepth usability studies after the release of Football Manager 2007 and sat there watching the videos that came back, looking at splurges of colour relating to peoples eye movement whilst they were playing the game, and similar splurges of colour relating to mouse movement, and to try and reduce the latter as much as possible, alongside noticing that people tend to avoid the keyboard shortcuts that have been in the game for a while, in particular with some people who've played the game for years who didn't even know that the space bar can also be used as an alternative to the continue button.


Mrs.Fetherstonhaugh-Beauchamp is a well-to-do much traveled,and twice widowed society dance teacher who,along with her children,Darcy and Pearl,is fleeing from the debt collectors.miss Alsop,her pianist,is chasing Mrs F-B for her unpaid wages and unwitting ends up on the journey whilst Anna,an orphaned Chinese girl,stows away in a basket of dried lotus leaves in an attempt to prevent her unloving uncle from harming her.


In all cases, whilst the government subsists, the legislative is the supreme power: for what can give laws to another, must needs be superior to him.


Of the 3 386 summonses applied in 1999, 3 239 w ere connected with Marine Department's own initiated cases whilst 147 with the

1999 年申请发出的 3 386 张传票当,3 239 张与海事处本身提出的检控个案相关,147 张与&在渡轮吸烟&的个案相关

Beautiful printed chiffons in triangle shape bras and teddies are feminine, whilst a leopard print balcony bra with an eyelash lace trim has instant sex-appeal.


In the depths of the earth I saw innumerable powers in motion, and multiplying to infinity; whilst upon its surface, and beneath the heavens, there teemed ten thousand varieties of living creatures.


Of creatures possessed of hearing, some have ears, whilst others have none, but merely have the passages for ears visible, as, for example, feathered animals or animals coated with horny tessellates.


Whilst trawling the web, I came across a flash version of Simon, which I enjoyed playing, so here is a recreation of it with my shaped buttons.


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Whilst I Pursue My Way Unharmed

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
