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与 whilst 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Last year he claimed they were going to sign Kaka (whilst the other candidate, Juan Villar Mir, said Manchester United′s Cristiano Ronaldo was ready to join the club - should he win the forthcoming elections!).

去年他宣布说他们将与卡卡签约(另一个主席候选人,Juan Villar Mir,说曼联的C罗将会加盟皇马――如果他赢得竞选的话。

Of course the Vitruvian Man is also synonymous with Leonardo and whilst he did not invent the concept of divine proportions, he extended the work of Vitruvious.


Others like Arsene Whinger try to defuse the media away from what happened on the pitch, whilst Rafa Benitez simply confuses them.


Whilst the first system was being commissioned, we conducted an amortisation study into this investment in collaboration with Denkendorf University.


So whilst the proliferation of different media used by artists today is an indication of the growing diversity of the contemporary art scene since the 1960s, the categorisation by media is unsatisfactory on several levels.


The increased NPP was primarily led by an advanced growing season for broadleaf evergreen forest, needle_leaf evergreen forest, and needle_leaf deciduous forest, whilst that was mainly due to enhanced vegetation activity during growing season for broadleaf deciduous forest, broadleaf and needle_leaf mixed forest, broadleaf trees with groundcover, perennial grasslands, broadleaf shrubs with grasslands, tundra, desert, and cultivation.


He adds:"As they internationalise, some companies will also face trade agreements, while others will have to address the issue of going global whilst at the same time not losing their cultural heart."


He adds:"As they internationalise, some companies will also face trade agreements, while others will have to address the issue of going global whilst at the same time not losing their cultural heart."


This means that the button is not accessible whilst the device is connected to a wall socket.


In the event that a claim for a constructive total loss of the Vessel is paid on the war risks insurance of the Vessel under Clause 3 of the Institute War and Strikes Clauses-Hulls-Time 1/11/95 or the Institute War and Strikes Clause-Hulls-Voyage 1/11/95 as a result of the loss of the free use and disposal of the Vessel for a continuous period of 12 months due to capture, seizure, arrest, restraint, detainment, confiscation or expropriation whilst this insurance is in force, the amount insured hereunder shall be paid in full less any claims otherwise arising during the said period of 12 months which nave been paid or are recoverable hereunder or under insurance subject to the Institute Time Clauses –Freight 1/11/95 and/or the Institute Voyage Clauses-Freight 1/11/95 and any recoveries made in respect of the said period.


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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
