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The term myalgic encephalomyelitis is still commonly used; Myalgia is muscle pain, and encephalomyelitis refers to inflammation and dysfunction of the brain and spinal cord. Whilst this may be accurate in some cases, ME is now considered to be too specific to cover the range of symptoms experienced.

任期myalgic性脑脊髓炎的仍是常用的; myalgia 是肌肉疼痛,和 encephalomyelitis 是指炎症和功能障碍的脑和脊髓,虽然这可能是准确,在某些情况下,我现在被视为过于具体,涵盖范围的症状。

The wonderful aspect of an Oakwood apartment is that it will be enjoyed by both short and extended stay visitors and so, at the present, approximately 50% of our clientele stay for less than a week whilst the other 50% have leases of, on average, 6 months.


Whilst the primary focus of this article is oenological, some comments on viticulture regarding Pinot are discussed to form a backdrop.


Sample 8, a paraffinic mineral oil,(Figure 2.7, h), at 4 ms-1, 50oC has a film thickness of 263 nm whilst at 150oC, the film thickness 'h' is only 43 nm.

样品8日,石蜡矿物油,(图2.7 , h )项,在4毫秒- 1 , 50oC了薄膜厚度的263纳米,而在150oC ,薄膜厚度的H是只有43纳米。

IPod. According to 据 PreCentral 中央前, Palm Pre hack allowing itself to be identified as follow when the Pre is plugged into a PC or Mac whilst in Media Sync mode.


Somewhat presciently, in the first of the current studies, Obama was actually rated as having the highest self-esteem of all the candidates, a fact that chimes with his performance during the presidential campaign during which he conveyed immense self-belief, whilst also acknowledging his weaknesses.


Whilst two-factor theory elaborates upon the principles governing an assumed direct relationship between state anxiety and subsequent avoidance, it makes no specific predictions about the psychobiological mechanisms that lead anxious children to engage avoidance confronted by a potential threat.

二因素理论详尽阐述在原则治理一个被承担的直接关系在状态忧虑和随后退避之间,它不做具体预言关于psychobiological 带领急切孩子参与退避的机制面对了由一个潜在的威胁。

And that's why we demand the light of intellect, with which we learn, we recognize, we comprehend and reform the world, and we reforge ourselves whilst we rebuild the environment.


Whilst you were here o'erwhelmed with your grief— A passion most unsuiting such a man—Cassio came hither: I shifted him away, And laid good 'scuse upon your ecstasy, Bade him anon return and here speak with me; The which he promised.


Han-sanggung shedded tears whilst sampling this dish . It is known as the food of Tears?Dubu-cheongol.


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Whilst I Pursue My Way Unharmed

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
