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Deutsche Bank bought its way into the US with its takerover of the Bankers Trust ,whilst Siemens hopes that its acquisition of Matra ,the French defense group,will allow it to gain access to Frances railway business,which is dominated by Alstom,the Anglo-French consortium .


Deutsche Bank bought its way into the US with its takeover of Bankers Trust, whilst Siemens hopes that its acquisition of Matra, the French defence group, will allow it to gain access to France's railway business, which is dominated by Alstom, the Anglo-French consortium.


Deutsche Bank bought its way into the US with its takeover of Bankers Trust, whilst Siemens hopes that its aqusitions of Matra, the French defence group, will allow it to gain access to France's railway business, which is dominated by Alstom, the Anglo-French consortium.


Sickle constellations Stud the belts that welt the sky Whilst the bitter winter moon Prowls the cloud, dead-eyed Like shifting parent flesh Under silk matricide...


This congregation was founded by Dom Maurus Wolter, who, whilst a seminary professor, was fired with the desire of restoring the Benedictine Order in Germany.


For instance, grains tend to be short of lysine whilst pulses are short of methionine.


About 8 hours is needed for a typical vessel to transit the canal, whilst being lifted gradually to a height of 85 feet through three sets of locks – the Gatun, Pedro Miguel and Miraflores.


On that day, whilst the preparation of candidates was being completed, the Church celebrated the Missa chrismalis of which we have already described the rite and, moreover, proceeded to the reconciliation of penitents.

这一天,而编写的候选人即将完成时,教会庆祝弥撒曲 chrismalis其中,我们已经描述了成年礼,而且,接著和解

I'm sure they will want to come over and put in a good performance, whilst we will want to show the quality of the MLS.


Have I ever realized that I can bring to God things which are of value to Him, or am I mooning round the magnitude of His Redemption whilst there are any number of things I might be doing?


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Whilst I Pursue My Way Unharmed

In fact it's called the Sate .


Recent work at HKUST had successfully developed a n ew lightweight, ultra-low density filter material based on photoactive


I wish to express my thanks to you for instructing mychild.
