英语人>网络例句>while away 相关的网络例句
while away相关的网络例句

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与 while away 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The traffic cop looks at the woman and slowly backs away to his car while calling for back up.


He must push his two-inches shorter opponent backward in order to take away some of Taylor's power while throwing enough heavy leather to force the Arkansan to stay somewhat occupied on defense.


The main difficulty in maintaining the low-flying, right before the target stopped before there are some mountains, trees also more than the flying height, waiting for the alarm, flying low over the tree would die a hurry, here is a pattern even distracted skills tree from the woods and trees around the gap between the wearing, wearing a back end, failed several times, the requirements of high technology is,豁出去later, and is not even a few fighter planes like you play, the beginning fly, warning a short while, and soon the hills, two aircraft from put a red 4 missiles, missile thought more terrible, the result was even easy to flash, I saw a missile fly in front of the explosion really fun, in fact, the missile is a good hide, and more attention after the perspective to observe the missile position, when the missile away from you, almost 100 distance of 100 -200 m,(their estimate of the distance from there anyway) who has risen sharply and optional, you can play to stimulate the rapid decline in almost a sudden sharp rise in the ground, of course, elections are the rapid turn right turn left, air giant slalom, flip aircraft line, multi-练练, the computer is the point of missile小意思, nothing after playing air combat, interesting ah ~~~~ even the highest record was 28 to avoid a meeting, including surface-to-air missiles, the computer told me to fly by the tail I am thrown to the ground the trees the mountains 11 miles or a word and the computer novice and more air play than the simple low wear and more trees to the

难度主要在保持低空飞行,快到目标前有一些高山挡住,树还特别多,飞的比树高,等着报警把,飞的比树低想死着急,这里偶愣是用花样技巧,从树林里树与树的缝隙之间穿了过来,最后又穿了回去,失败几次,要求技术实在是高,后来豁出去了,不就是几架战斗机偶就跟你们玩玩,一开始就高飞,不一会报警了,快到山头, 2架飞机冲过来放了4导弹,原以为导弹多可怕,结果,被偶轻松闪过,看见导弹飞到我前面爆炸真好玩,其实导弹是很好躲的,注意多用后视角,观察导弹位置,当导弹离你差不多100-200米百距离,(自己估计的反正有段距离)可选者急速上升,还可以玩刺激急速下降快到地面时突然急速上升,当然选者急速右转左转,空中大回转,翻转飞机都行,多练练,电脑那点导弹完全是小意思,以后没事耍空战,有意思啊~~~~偶最高纪录是1次避了28枚导弹包括地对空,电脑跟我机尾飞被我甩在地上山上树上海里11次总之新手还是和电脑多玩玩空战比起超低空穿树简单的多的去了

Chrisette Michele - Blame It On Me LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang Sometimes you can work it out Sometimes you can't Sometimes you're forced to watch everything fall apart its outta your hands Sometimes leaving is easy Sometimes it aint Sometimes it hurts to know the loving you had was slowly fading away You can say whatever you like As long as we just say goodbye BLAME IT ON ME Say its my fault Say that I left you outside in the cold with a broken heart I really don't care I aint crying no more Say I'm a liar a cheater Say anything that you want As long as it's over I aint a quitter I just aint the type I tried to see you through I tried to make it to the finishing line Oooh you thought it was meant to be yeah I admit so did I Every once in a while you think you figured it out Sometimes your not right You can say whatever you like As long as we just say goodbye BLAME IT ON ME Say its my fault Say that I left you outside in the cold with a broken heart I really don't care I aint crying no more Say I'm a liar a cheater Say anything that you want As long as it's over Yes I love you but I really got to loose you Freedom is where I want to be Yes I'll probably always love you but I'm moving I got to do this for me BLAME IT ON ME Say its my fault Say that I left you outside in the cold with a broken heart I really don't care I aint crying no more Say I'm a liar a cheater Say anything that you want BLAME IT ON ME Say its my fault Say that I left you outside in the cold with a broken heart I really don't care I aint crying no more Say I'm a liar a cheater Say anything that you want As long as it's over

Chrisette Michele -归咎于我有时候,你可以工作了有时候,你不能有时候,你不得不看一切土崩瓦解其失控你的手有时候,离开是很简单有时候,这不是有时候疼知道爱你已慢慢消失你可以说你喜欢什么只要我们刚才说再见归咎于我说了我的错要说的是,我离开你在外面冷的心都碎了我真的不在乎我没有哭没有更多说我是骗子一骗子说什么要只要它的超过俺不是一个懒人我刚才是不是那种我想看到你通过我试图使它的终点线 Oooh您认为这意味着将是我承认,所以我每一次,而你认为你理解了它有时候你不正确的你可以说你喜欢什么只要我们刚才说再见归咎于我说了我的错要说的是,我离开你在外面冷的心都碎了我真的不在乎我没有哭没有更多说我是骗子一骗子说什么要只要它的超过是我爱你,但我真的失去你自由是我想要去的地方是的,我可能会永远爱你,但我动我这样做对我来说归咎于我说了我的错要说的是,我离开你在外面冷的心都碎了我真的不在乎我没有哭没有更多说我是骗子一骗子说什么要归咎于我说了我的错要说的是,我离开你在外面冷的心都碎了我真的不在乎我没有哭没有更多说我是骗子一骗子说什么要只要它的超过

Doug is so stunned that is all-freezed while Po draws out the sword and robs the belt away with his left hand from Xue, who is sorrowfully supporting his brother.


He could sit there, cool and at his ease under the warm May sun, and find the gall to mourn his own good luck while less than ten feet away a bunch of men were working and sweating and burning their hands on great big buckets filled with bubbling tar, men who had to work so hard in their ordinary round of days that this looked like a respite.


If you do use this method in learning how to kill a tree stump, set fire to some dry wood on the tree stump and let it keep burning down, and while the tree stump slowly catches alight, keep feeding the fire with dryer wood to keep the tree stump burning until it has burnt completely away.


But the beauty of the still-flowing river seemed to wipe away all the chaos of man, while the heavens above him looked down with love and wonder.


Yi Xi Meng-Tsan Chiang suspect but did not see the question should be thought of sneaking away to do tomorrow Cezhao Lian smiled, Li Xing Ji Zhuoche dream she dreamed that took her to a three-tier floor, where the first floor, second floor is male or female prisoners, prisoners, Li Xing Yi Xi into the floor with an office, there was a middle-aged man talking about inviting guests to his signature reimbursement vouchers, followed by his clothes and sheets led to the the middle of the room, easy evening standing on the stairs from time to time someone looked at her quietly saying something, so she was coming and going of people gaze down the stairs out the door and standing in the doorway waiting, I suddenly realized that she had been living in Plum Star on the second floor, he is a people who make mistakes, but she does not know how to do, and has been lingering for a long time There was no reply her, while the days are becoming more and more black, on the road and no street lights in the night she began to Road side of the walk, but forgot to when the direction of, even the car I do not know where the stop sign, she thought that the dark days will be a bus do?


After dinner pipe Mingqiang went away after the two units, with Yang Meng-Tsan Chiang twisted my look on in the county did not buy copies of eating KFC on the back, and coming home to see Yi Xi-two people rely on exhausted fell asleep on the sofa , Yang sat down on a quiet seat next to doing winter work, Meng-Tsan Chiang mp3 driving while listening to music, reading fashion magazines, turned up in the afternoon sun was very warm, bathed in the branches Chanchanmianmian the middle, there is a ray of light exposure to the plum star body, Rou Rou's gently.


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While I'm Away
While You're Away
A Song For While I'm Away
A Quick One While He's Away

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
