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while away相关的网络例句

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与 while away 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jaquiss, who has a thermoform machine in a back room of his home, made 1,377 copies of Touch the Sun, in West Monroe. Some copies have been given away, while 500 were sold on Amazon.com. The books have been shipped all over the world to South Africa, West Africa, and Tibet.


Exclusive DRY MAX technology and our Absorb-Away Liner help absorb runny mess, while the Swaddlers quilted design cradles your infant's skin in blanket-like softness.


Injury sustained while taking part in: professional sports; mountaineering where ropes or guides are normally used or at elevations of 4,500 meters or higher; aviation, except when traveling solely as a passenger in a commercial aircraft; hang gliding, sky diving, parachuting, or bungee jumping; snow skiing or snowboarding, except for recreational downhill and/or cross-country snow skiing or snowboarding (no cover provided whilst skiing away from prepared and marked in-bound territories and/or against the advice of the local ski school or local authoritative body); racing by any animal or motorized vehicle; spelunking; subaqua pursuits involving underwater breathing apparatus unless NAUI/PADI certified, accompanied by a certified instructor, and at depths of less than 10 meters; jet skiing; and any other sport or athletic activity which is undertaken for thrill seeking and exposes you to abnormal or extreme risk of injury.

受伤,同时考虑在部分:职业体育;登山的地方绳索或在向导带领,通常使用或在海拔4500米或更高;航空,除了在旅行时只作一名乘客在商业飞机;滑翔翼,天空潜水,跳伞,或蹦极;雪地滑雪或滑雪板,除了康乐下坡和/或跨国家的雪地滑雪或滑雪板(包括没有提供,而滑雪场远离准备和标记的方向领土和/或反对的意见,当地滑雪学校或地方权威机构);赛车的任何动物或机动车辆; spelunking ; subaqua追求涉及水下呼吸器,除非naui / padi认证,伴随着认证讲师,并在水深小于10米;喷气滑雪;和任何其他体育或竞技活动是为寻求刺激和暴露了你的异常或极端受伤的危险。

Now the autumn came on; all the Storks began to assemble, to fly away to the warm countries while it is winter here.


When it's time to taste the wine, hold the glass by the stem, swirl, sniff and gulp (very polite sommeliers look away while this is happening).


After heavy snowfalls, roads can sometimes be closed while crews clear away debris from slides.


After a recent screening here at the ol' Home Office, I believe that it is Gong Li while a couple of site cohorts argued for Faye Wong and Zhang Ziyi. Admittedly, Faye Wong gives a nice "girl-next-door" vibe and Zhang Ziyi sizzles with sexuality. However, Gong Li simply smoulders in her scenes and generates so much heat that she blows all the other actresses away.


While giant stars from the CDM model would be long gone, some of the stellar runts predicted by the warm dark matter model might still be blazing away today and could be detected by future space telescopes.


And leaves and blossoms t rembled slightly, while in a flash the scent was carried away.


Devoted friends and relatives and fully qualified helpers take good care of the quads while I am away .


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While I'm Away
While You're Away
A Song For While I'm Away
A Quick One While He's Away

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
