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while away相关的网络例句

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与 while away 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I should have been storing my own kernels away while the getting was good.


The iBook is the first portable designed with built-in wireless capability that allows users to move away from a base station while remaining connected to the Internet at 56 kilobits per second.


Two light-fingered boys made away with our suitcases while we weren't looking.


Tucked away in a narrow back-street behind Temple Meads railway station, it provides a permanent place to stay while residents get their lives back together.

这处住所位于Temple Meads火车站后面的一条狭窄街道里,它提供给那些无家可归的人一个永久性的住处。

Women had been mobilised during the war to work on farms and in factories while the men were away fighting.


He told me, he could not tell exactly, to what Degree the Plantation was improv'd; but this he knew, that my Partner was grown exceeding Rich upon the enjoying but one half of it; and that to the best of his Remembrance, he had heard, that the King's Third of my Part, which was it seems granted away to some other Monastery, or Religious House, amounted to above two hundred Moidores a Year; that as to my being restor'd to a quiet Possession of it, there was no question to be made of that, my Partner being alive to witness my Title, and my Name being also enrolled in the Register of the Country; also he told me, That the Survivors of my two Trustees, were very fair honest People, and very Wealthy; and he believ'd I would not only have their Assistance for putting me in Possession, but would find a very considerable Sum of Money in their Hands, for my Account; being the Produce of the Farm while their Fathers held the Trust, and before it was given up as above, which as he remember'd, was for about twelve Years.


He told me, he could not tell exactly, to what Degree the Plantation was improv'd; but this he knew, that my Partner was grown exceeding Rich upon the enjoying but one half of it; and that to the best of his Remembrance, he had heard, that the King's Third of my Part, which was it seems granted away to some other Monastery, or Religious House, amounted to above two hundred Moidores a Year; that as to my being restor'd to a quiet Possession of it, there was no question to be made of that, my Partner being alive to witness my Title, and my Name being also enrolled in the Register of the Country; also he told me, That the Survivors of my two Trustees, were very fair honest People, and very Wealthy; and he believ'd I would not only have their Assistance for putting me in Possession, but would find a very considerable Sum of Money in their Hands, for my Account; being the Produce of the Farm while their Fathers held the Trust, and before it was given up as above, which as he remember'd, was for about twelve Years.


Jump, eat mosquitos and run away from your enemies while exploring the bog on your way home!


There were equally excellent opportunities for vacationists in the home island, delightful sylvan spots for rejuvenation, offering a plethora of attractions as well as a bracing tonic for the system in and around Dublin and its picturesque environs even, Poulaphouca to which there was a steamtram, but also farther away from the madding crowd in Wicklow, rightly termed the garden of Ireland, an ideal neighbourhood for elderly wheelmen so long as it didn't come down, and in the wilds of Donegal where if report spoke true the coup d'oeil was exceedingly grand though the lastnamed locality was not easily getatable so that the influx of visitors was not as yet all that it might be considering the signal benefits to be derived from it while Howth with its historic associations and otherwise, Silken Thomas, Grace O'Malley, George IV, rhododendrons several hundred feet above sealevel was a favourite haunt with all sorts and conditions of men especially in the spring when young men's fancy, though it had its own toll of deaths by falling off the cliffs by design or accidentally, usually, by the way, on their left leg, it being only about three quarters of an hour's run from the pillar.


Soviet Russia later took thepolicy to support Sun Yat-sen with all one's strength and payattention to the Kuomintang while despise the Chinese CommunistParty,besides the reason of their anxiety to seek the Kuomintang'ssupport which had showed their attitude of pro-Soviet Russia andvaluing its position of strength,the important reason lies in that itbreaks away from the reality of Chinese revolutionary movementsseriously,and makes wrong analysis and appraise to the state ofsocial class,political situation and political forces in China.


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While I'm Away
While You're Away
A Song For While I'm Away
A Quick One While He's Away

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
