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与 wheal 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The chigger's bite produces a wheal that is usually accompanied by severe itching.


In 21 cases of hand dermatitis the aeroallergen role was investigated with, serv-ing as a control,21 cases of urticaria,11 cases of eczema and 8 cases of dermatomycosis,In con-trast to urticaria,eczema and dermatomycosis,the result displayed a·significant increase of thepositive rates and an enlarged wheal diameter for polyvalent mold II and polyvalent in-sects(P.05,P.01)in hand dermatitis .


Only a 38-year-old female patient was found to have an urticarial wheal over her right forearm about 5 minutes after injection.


Who was on the wheal on you way home?


You pity my wheal of the face and the arm


This cause a wheal to form on the skin.


Results: 1,554 SPTs were performed in 74 patients. In 264, a macroscopically evident wheal and flare response was observed.


The best quality of this mineral was discovered at Wheal Gorland, at last centry.

这种矿物只在世界上有零星发现,且最好的就只发现在Wheal Gorland矿区内的一条小矿脉中,而且是上个世纪!

The longest wheal diameter alone seems to be a better surrogate marker of the wheal surface in comparison with the mean diameter.


Motibity changed by gear-box in direction and rotate speed is transferred to the blade axis on the right side to drive the blade axis. blade axis'parameter, blade assembling frame and blade assembling means are ascertained. The load and movement of the blade axis are analyzed. And the best blade rotate speed is ascertained. According to the request of no-tillage soil, the appropriate furrow openers are chosen. They are staggered and assembled in two rows .According to the sliding cutting request, the crucial parts of the anti-blocking——the sliding cutting blade, its edge curve is analyzed and designed in principle. The academic curve function is gotten. Combined with working practice and technics request, the blade's figuration parameter is designed, 65Mn is chosen as the material for blades. The working load is analyzed. And the intension of the sliding cutting is analyzed and checked with ANSYS software. At last, the spring rack of the suppress wheal is analyzed in principle. The theory and parameter of designing the spring rack of the suppress wheal. Experiment indicated that the anti-blocking capability of this anti-blocking equipment was excellent.

设计出适合此防堵装置的动力传输方案,动力经变速箱变向变速后从右侧传给刀轴,驱使刀片切割秸秆;确定出了刀轴的参数、刀片的安装结构和安装方法,对刀轴的受力和运动进行了分析,确定出了刀轴最佳转速;根据免耕地的要求,选择恰当的开沟器,并采用双排错位安装的办法,避免了"瓶颈"现象的发生;根据滑切的要求对此防堵装置的关键部件——滑切刀片的刃口曲线进行了理论分析和设计,得到了刀刃的理论曲线方程;结合生产实践及工艺要求,设计出刀片的外形参数,选择65Mn作为刀片的材料;分析和计算了刀片在工作中承受的载荷,运用ANSYS 软件对滑切刀片的强度进行了分析校核;最后对镇压轮的弹簧支架结构进行了理论分析,提出了设计镇压轮弹簧支架的理论和参数依据。

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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
