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与 west-central 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Feb. 1988, quasi-biennial and quasi-3-to-4-year oscillation are invenstigated. It is found that the two oscillations are propagating from west to east at all levels, being out of paase for the tropics but in phase for the mid-latitudes; for the latter oscillations in West Pacific, it travels equatorially from both mid-latitudes at low-levels while from south to north through a well-defined channel at...


From my gaze on thee in the west, fronting the west, communing with thee


The West Yunnan area is a hotspot for geodynamical study, due to its peculiar geotectonic, both of genesis, monitoring and prediction of volcanic activity form the major objectivity in The International Disaster Reduction Program, broadband seismic data will inverse high-resolution information for the underneath structure in the West Yunnan and volcanic area.


Village committee jurisdiction: Angulinao黄盖West yingzi, small groove big groove Well, big business Gou, West Dajing, Hao camp,田官Square,石沟war, the East slope, double love together, small Grein, North Beach , SU, Lin Yuan, mouth Shan, meaning together, Fu River, He Jiali yingzi.


11local broadleaf Species were planted in west of Guangdong in spring,2003.Early growth resuit showed, species could adapt the climate and soil condition of west Guangdong,2 species include Castanopsis fissa.and Castanopsis hystrix grew best.


In the exploration of the west regions,the strategy of giving priority to human resources exploration must be carried out.According to the author,when carrying out the strategy,the following measures should be taken:(1)To free ourselves from old ideas and realize that it is the most important strategy to give priority to human resources exploration in west regions for the inevitability and the immi...

文章认为,实施该战略可采取如下措施:( 1 )转变观念,解放思想,充分认识人力资源开发战略成为西部开发的首要战略的必然性和紧迫性;( 2 )深化分配领域改革,构建人才资本投资与回报的合理机制;( 3 )采取新举措,培育和发展人才市场,完善人才市场体系,优化人才资源配置;( 4)加大西部地区企业人力资源的开发与管理,推进&知本经营&;最后,西部还应采取措施,加强西部地区高校人力资源的开发与管理,大力促进农村人力资源开发。

The dream of the Western governments is seeing Chinatotally destroyed, seeing Chinese economy fucked so that your countrystay poor forever and the West can go on eating all the resources inearth. The West doesn't want to share wealth with 1300M Chinese, that'swhy our governments want to fuck China. PS: Please write in English.


According to the analysis, we can conclude that the relations between Russia and the West is irreciprocal, the policy of speedup drawing close to the West have not afforded the necessary condition for the economic development in Russia.


In reality, Egyptian legend placed Keftiu west of Egypt, not necessarily west of the Mediterranean.


The Mande Traders are an old and particular ethnic group in West Sudan. They were not only the important middlemen of the long-distance trade in Sahara, but had spread the Islam out to West Sudan.


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Bloor Street West
I'll Stay To The West
Into The West
Go West
Kanye West
53 Miles West Of Venus
The Lily Of The West
Livin' In The West
Flame Of The West
Way Out West (On West End Avenue)

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
