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与 well-accepted 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition to having world height, here still have a lot of well worth swiming places,"flower last several hourses, return you last a hundred years":City history development in Shanghai displays building toward your way a hundred years with to come to the story that city in Shanghai develops history progresses;"Five continents are the whole world and hunt a strange trip" the biggest oceanarium in Asia;Take"person, nature, science and technology" as the Shanghai science and technology building of topic leads to find out mysterious high-tech world;The outside pool sightseeing tunnel which crosses a mysterious dreamlike trip combines river's cross-straits Shanghai scenery of river bank to the concentration of essence ;Century well known as century big way


In oder to do well in tomorrow's work ,the most preparation is to do well in today's work.


In China, history of the wine may well be of long standing and well established.

摘 要:在中国,酒的历史可谓源远流长。

Germany is one of developed country is stard work to aid already in the world , the produce occupy the well-developed level of the world , the exceptionally grand occasion is grasp in this exhibition , the scale attend the meeting stream of people in case pouring greatly , incalculable , joining an exhibition that produce science and technology content is tall , the produce was successfully open up before one's eyes of self in numerous joining an exhibition businesss that originate the various places in world , I carefully visited the heating heat sink produce , the produce type is diversified , the exterior is beautiful , technology is well-developed , I winden one's view the limit greatly , travels together also acclaim with one voice .


Well,well,I'll be happy to be your opponent.


Several transient compounds were synthesized by the homo- and heterogeneous reactions of reactive halogen compounds, In-situ ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy and photoionization mass spectroscopy as well as theoretical calculations were used to study their molecular structures, stability and molecular orbital properties, their electronic structures and geometric structures were obtained for the first time; Simultaneously, the electronic structure and thermal dissociation of acetyl peroxynitrate and trifluoroacetyl peroxynitrate which have great importance in the atmospheric chemistry were studied; The substituent effects of series of halopyridines and halothiophenes were studied by the ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy method for the first time. The atmospheric chemical reaction between peroxyacetyl radicals with IO radicals as well as the dissociation of the most stable isomer of CH3COIO3 were calculated by density functional theory, it was found that the CH3COOIO2 isomer may be act as a new reservoir of inorganic iodine in the stratosphere.


One:theplanproposes to research and develop the next generation network system structure and related network protocol, with the focus on promoting the multi-media service network technology based on the core of IMS, including IPv6, as well as the research, development, and industrialization of high performance multi-service bearing network technology and end-to-end network QoS and security technology; the goal is to preliminarily understand the next generation network system structure as well as core network QoS and safety in order to form a group of next generation core technology and innovative products that has independent intellectual property to become an important player in the next generation network's international standard.


Oh!'' said i, 'I shall not forestall jane; I left her dancing with mr. george otway; she will love to tell you all about it herself to-morrow: her first partner was mr. elton, I do not know who will ask her next, perhaps mr. william cox.'' my dear sir, you are too obliging.- is there nobody you would not rather?- I am not helpless. sir, you are most kind. upon my word, jane on one arm, and me on the other!- stop, stop, let us stand a little back, mrs. elton is going; dear mrs. elton, how elegant she looks!- beautiful lace!- now we all follow in her train. quite the queen of the evening!- well, here we are at the passage. two steps, jane, take care of the two steps. oh! no, there is but one. well, I was persuaded there were two.


The school is do well in the management ,what we need to do is to manage ourself well.


The author discovers that the industry in China cherishes comparative advantage in fundamental production factors, the demand in information industry is promising in China, but have structural problems both in senior production factors and demand; it have a striking advantage in industrial chain, but the key section of the chain is too weak and industrial integration is far from enough; the patterns of competition among enterprises were outdate although they behaved well in operation strategies, most of them are lack of key capacity ; the governments had made every efforts to support the development of the industry, but the policies didnt work as well as their original targets; the industry may benefit form international industrial transition on condition that we should take measures in creating proper environment for loading those foreign enterprises.


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Well Well Well
Well, Well
Well Well Well
Well, Well, Well
Well, Well
Well, Well, Well
Well, Well, Well
Well Well Well
Well Well Well
Well Well Well

But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
