英语人>网络例句>well-accepted 相关的网络例句

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与 well-accepted 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Another well-known example o f embroidered cloth is the Bayeux Tapestry (1066), which explains the events leading up to the 1066 Norman conquest o f England as well as the events o f the conquest itsel f .


Another well-known example of embroidered cloth i s the Bayeux Tape s try (1066), which explain s the event s leading up to the 1066 Norman conque s t of England a s well a s the event s of the conque s t it s elf.


I think my education as well as my professio-nal experience will be well appropriate for the position.


Chun Can you like, and silking complaint or regret, only for the benefit of the world bear the cocoon; you like an umbrella, duty-bound to be rain Dashi, only for the protection of millions of your well-protected by the Tao Li; you like Chuanjiang, and willingly To assist sailing, Chuanke only lead to a better distance, high teacher, and perhaps you do not know its own subtle magic, but in my mind long ago left a Thanksgiving excitement, you may not be your wing So warm, high teacher, I thank you in the last semester of my education is precisely because you are well taught, I know a lot of truth in life.


Do you think she is well-informed be well informed about sth.


War Buddies Let's be war buddies Waist deep in big money side by side I'd be the atheist in your foxhole, anytime Let's be friendly fire Body count's a mountain on a bed of barbed wire, coldly stashed As soon as the morning light has broken, then we attack If nobody tries too hard to kill you I got your back across the desert Back to brave the burning sand Back to question every effort Back to challenge your command If you got guns, well, now's the time for sticking Resistance is already forming The second shot won't be a warning Let's be collateral damage Looking down your nose like it's the best you can manage just to stand Indignity after indignation The threat of a hostile occupation The better to form a sovereign nation Here's the plan: That every man who disagrees Be roughly brought down to his knees Be starved to death and made to freeze And sentenced to the Gulag If you got guns, well, now's the time for sticking Resistance is already forming The second shot won't be a warning When the tanks roll into Warsaw, will I find you at the front Singing into a tape recorder, shouldering the brunt of the attack? Has it come to that?

战争巴迪让我们成为战争伙计在大的钱的深处肩并肩的腰我将是在你的战壕的无神论者,任何时候让我们成为友好的火在一张有刺铁丝的床上,死亡总人数是一座山,冷淡贮存早上光一打破,然后我们攻击如果没人试试太艰难不能杀死你我使你的背通过沙漠回到勇敢的烧制沙回到询问每努力回到挑战你命令如果你得到枪,嗯,现在是粘住的时间抵抗已经形成第2 枪将不是警告让我们成为附带损害看起来沿着你的鼻子象它是最好的你能应付仅仅为了站在义愤之后轻蔑一种敌对的职业的威胁更好的形成一个独立自主的国家这是计划:不同意的那每个人人被粗略带来到他的膝被饥饿死并且对冻结做并且对Gulag 宣判如果你得到枪,嗯,现在是粘住的时间抵抗已经形成第2 枪将不是警告当油箱卷成华沙,意愿时,我在前面发现你唱歌进一台磁带录音机,扛着攻击的冲击吗?

An American reader of translated Chinese poems may well be taken aback,even put off, by the frequency, as well as the sentimentality of the lament for home.


An American reader of translated Chinese poems may well be taken aback — even put off — by the frequency, as well as the sentimentality, of the lament for home.


He was well off; and if she had her rights she would be well off too.


If China can achieve that, Asian consumers will be well on the way to providing a huge market for western exports, as well as for Chinese and other Asian producers.


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Well Well Well
Well, Well
Well Well Well
Well, Well, Well
Well, Well
Well, Well, Well
Well, Well, Well
Well Well Well
Well Well Well
Well Well Well

But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
