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与 well-accepted 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But people are well-fed, well-clothed and well-housed. That has been the main objective of China for centuries.


Well-respected, well-preserved and well-marked, the Galapagos are an almost magical place, where tourists are mindful of nature's beauty.


I'm well-traveled, well-mannered and well...worthwhile.


As well as cover type of the primary wildwood, on the other hand, it is also disturbed by human activities, which mainly represents as the reachability and frequency of anthropogenic influence as well as the selection mode of woodland utilization including mainly including population distribution, traffic condition, social needs as well as economic industrial structure etc.


I think when it comes to well coated and well made eyepieces, factors like local conditions, as well as an observer's comfort and inviduality wrt to one's own biology and physical differences, are a more important factor in contrast than the number of elements in the eyepiece.


This paper made a systematic research on Lonicerafulvotomentosa Hsu et S.C. Cheng, which grows well inkarst areas, from its biological characteristics, such asmorphology, growth and physiology. The main conclusions asfollows:(1)From the viewpoint of morphological anatomy, it hastypical xerophyte structures such as well-developed epidermisand tissues that transport water effectively, small leaf area,dense floss under the leaf surface, high stoma density, thesmall opening degree, thick cuticle, well-developed xylem andpalisade tissues, etc. The pollen of L. fulvotomentosa isseems to be spherical, and has 3 grooves, much bulge on theepidermis evenly. The shape of pollen is an important featureon taxonomy. The ripe fruit has from 1 to 18 seeds, some fruitbranch has 135 berry, its diameter is up to 0.8 centimeter.(2)From the viewpoint of growth, L.

本文从形态解剖、生长发育的节律、光合生理特性以及种子萌发生理等生物学特性方面对喀斯特适生经济植物黄褐毛忍冬进行了较为系统的研究,得出以下结论:(1)在形态解剖上,黄褐毛忍冬根茎中含有发育良好的周皮和输导组织,导管密度大,横截面宽,周皮的形成具有节制蒸腾、通气作用和保护组织免受外界环境影响的作用,宽的导管对水分的输导效率高;叶片密被绒毛,面积较小,气孔密度大、开度小,厚的角质层和发育良好的木质部和栅栏组织等是典型的旱生结构;黄褐毛忍冬花粉近球形,具3 孔沟,表面具均匀分布的小刺,刺间具网状纹理。

Rachel: Well, well, well, hop back in bucko, cause I got four sixes!


We have grown up and the modern China as well. We changed and China as well. We have a glance back, will our homeland turn back to have a look as well? Could the commemorable and beautiful childhood never change?


We prepared the ordered porous alumina membrane by a two-step anodization method in oxalic or sulfuric acids, which is a self-ordered hexagonal array of cells with an adjustable pore diameter of 20-150nm and a different pore structures (i.e. Y-branched, dendriform, toothed and torous ones). Furthermore, the template-electrodeposition, vapor-catalytic growth, and controlled chemical etching were developed for well-aligned carbon nanotubes and oxide nanopillars with adjustable diameter, Al2O3-AlN one-dimensional heterojunction, Y-junction and dendriform metal nanowires, as well as Y-junction, and torous carbon nanotubes. The resultant one-dimensional junctions were characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM,HRTEM, and STM, and the field emission of the well-aligned carbon nanotubes and the luminescence of ZnO nanopillar array have also been mearsured.


The economism and overall revisionism that was increasingly characterizing the actual work, life, and culture of our Party was also marked by the pragmatism and empiricism that has been so common in the communist movement (and which we have discussed above), as well as agnosticism about well-established principles of communism and even about the desirability as well as the possibility of revolution and communism.


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Well Well Well
Well, Well
Well Well Well
Well, Well, Well
Well, Well
Well, Well, Well
Well, Well, Well
Well Well Well
Well Well Well
Well Well Well

Scene Two He went to the boss cap in hand and asked for higher payment.


The method is accurate, reliable, and repeatable, suitable for the assay of the preparation and curcuma oil.


Talking to, or goading the opponent, failin g to obey the orders of the referee
