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与 weakly 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However from the same background Burke comes to represent capitalist, cooperate interests, with the intension to "tame" the alien and turn them into weapons for profit; hence his out-of-place costume (suit-and-tie in a planet lurking with deadly monsters) and his physical appearance: pale skinned, average built, in comparison to the Marines it makes him seem less explicit and weak, but it is this aspect makes him dangerous because "the unintentional power to harm supposed to lurk in the less explicit, weakly articulated areas of the same society" Douglas, M.

来自同一个国家,Burke (Paul Reiser饰演)代表的是另一种利益,他代表了这个国家从资本主义角度出发的,以营利为目的的企业利益,他参与到这次行动的目的是要&驯服&异形并把它们变成武器出售从而营利。因此,他苍白的肤色和他不合时宜的服装(身着西装在一个到处潜伏着危险怪物的星球上四处招摇)和太空海军陆战队的体型及服装形成了强烈的对比。

It was weakly expressed and did not show temporal and spatial changes in embryo sacs before and after fertilization.


Positive nerve fibers are in pedal nerve cords and visceral nerve cords. There are no neuronal nitric oxide synthase or inducible nitric oxide synthase positive cells or fibers in the nervous system. A few of endothelial nitric oxide synthase strongly positive nerve cells are identified in pedal ganglia and visceral ganglia. Weakly positive cells and nerve fibers of eNOS can be seen in all of the ganglia and nerve cords.


The results showed that the ZNF191fu and ZNF434fu functioned as transcription repressors while the ZNF396fu can only weakly suppress the transcription activity of the reporter, and the ZNF397fu and ZNF447fu showed no signanificant capability of transcription regulation.


Annual or weakly perennial herbs; ovary 4-locular; fruit dry; pyrenes 1-seeded; flowers sessile

一年生草本的或身体虚弱的多年生草本;子房4室;果干燥;果核1种子;花无梗 5 Verbena 马鞭草属

Mr. I and plans for half a year want a BB but have not been pregnant this month to the hospital for an examination has been found pregnant as a result of six months but were not pregnant so there is no care to protect their early physical illness is as follows吃了药specific menstruation is the last time I was on the 4th to January 2 (can not recall the specific date that the last two days anyway) cycle for 29-32 days as a result of Kim Jong-January 16 Doctor hospital was opened two days of ofloxacin吊针two bottles a day and oral inflammation hundred net service for three days or not some of the symptoms also had oral Lowe four days after 28 No. Because when cooking large half fingernails cut off after two days due to inflammation of eating cefradine BB always wanted as a result of another failed as Friend introduction has been gradually taking ginseng cream until February 3鹿胎feeling some discomfort to the hospital post-mortem examination urine was very weakly positive on the drug problem at that time ask the director of hospital doctors when she helped me just as long as the operator told me to eat before February 5 in medicine are not all right to ask whether she was in the comfort me?


Athigher magnification, the cytoplasm of control mice neurons displayed a distinct staining for Cu/Zn SOD, whereas the surrounding neuropil was only weakly stained.


Culm sheaths purple-brown or green-brown, usually alternating with pale and darker stripes, with sparse small brown spots or cloudy brown blotches, margins usually dark brown; auricles and oral setae absent; ligule dark purple brown, truncate, 2–3 mm, margin ciliolate; blade spreading to reflexed, purple-green with yellow margins, linear-lanceolate to linear, flat or sometimes weakly crinkled.


Culms 5–7 m, 1–2.5 cm in diam.; internodes terete, 35–45 cm, initially white powdery, brown setose immediately below node, white-gray setose above; wall 2–4 mm thick; supra-nodal ridges level or weakly prominent; sheath scar prominent, initially yellow-brown setose.

根状茎颈6-12 厘米秆5-7米,1-2.5厘米直径;节间圆柱状,35-45厘米,最初白色敷粉,棕色刚毛立即在下面节点,在上面白色灰色具刚毛;壁2-4毫米厚;超级节的脊水平或身体虚弱突出;突出的鞘痕,具刚毛的黄褐色的最初。

In - another kind of word of ile ending, Englishmen pronounce letter i in the end syllable the long tone ; Americans read weakly.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
