英语人>网络例句>weak 相关的网络例句
与 weak 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you desire to know who shall overcome in any cause, matter or controversie, behold the Lords of the first and the seventh, which if they be in Angles, neither of them shall overcome ; and see which of them is joyned with an evil Planet, because he shall overcome ; and if the Planet be evil from them both, the victor shall kill the conquered ; if one of them be strong, and the other weak, and the Planet which is in the strong House do not fall, nor hath not an evil Planet with him ; and if he which is weak be not in his own House, nor in his exaltation , nor with a good Planet, he whose Planet is in the strong House, shall overcome ; like' wife he whose significator is in a mean House, shall have great fear and doubt in his heart, becauce sometimes he shall hope to conquer, and otherwhiles fear to be overcome.

如果你想知道在任何事件、状况或纠纷下,哪一方会获胜的话,观察下1宫及7宫的守护星:若它们位于角宫,则谁都不会获胜;若与凶星有联系,则该方会胜;若两者皆为凶星,则胜者将杀死被征服的一方;若其中一方强势,另一方弱势,并且强势一方的宫位中无落陷行星或凶星;而弱势方守护星既并不在它本宫,也不居于其擢升之处,同时又无吉星在该宫,则守护星位于强宫的一方获胜;like' wife he whose significator is in a mean House,则他内心怀着巨大的恐惧和怀疑。因为有时他会期盼去征服,而有时又害怕被征服。

For the Weak-All-Colors Problem, we give a rule named"adding a leaf", and prove that any tree has a solution to the Weak-All-Colors Problem.


The study shows a close relationship between the total ozone and the ozone below 13 km, while the variation in the maximum concentration at about 20 km does not show any relationship to the column ozone. A weak-strong-weak southwesterly pattern in the 500 hPa synoptic system may be responsible for a low ozone advection during this ozone variation.

研究还表明,大气柱的臭氧总量与13公里以下的大气臭氧含量关系密切,而在约20公里处的大气臭氧浓度最大值的变化与整个气柱臭氧的关系不大。500 hPa天气形势图上一个弱一强一弱的西南天气型造成的弱臭氧平流可能是这次臭氧变化的主要原因。

Because the duality connects strong couplings with weak couplings, it may be possible to compute quantum effects through the weak version which is dual to the strong one.


For the uniformly ergodic Markov processes, which is a classic framwork established by Deuschel-Stroock for studying the LDP for empirical measures, the LDP of f_n~* in the weak topology and the uniform weak*-LDP in the strong topology ||·||_1 for f_n~* are established. Furthermore, we prove that f_n~* is asymptotic optimal in the sense of Bahadur. These results are obtained for the first time in the dependent case. For this generalization from the i.i.d.


In this paper,the concept of ideal of ring is spreaded by widening the satisfying conditions of the subring of ring,thus the concept of weak nearly-ideal is drawn out,and several basic properties of weak nearly-ideal are given.


Weak and global supervenience were determined to be too weak to provide a dependency link.


First through comparison of voltage stability tangent vector index, the power loss sensitivity index as well as the singular value index, then makes the system operators fixes their voltage stability monitoring and prevention stress on the weak nodes and weak area.


Secondly, weak buses were provided by tangent vector and voltage magnitudes at weak buses were maximized to increase static voltage stability margin indirectly.


At first in the preliminary design this paper computes the linear damping coefficient of the viscous damper employed in this project using Composite Response Spectra approach, meantime, this paper proves that reducing the exponent of velocity of the piston can increase the magnitude of the dissipative energy, because of the viscous damper employed in the practical project character nonlinear behavior; next this chapter performs analysis and comparison between the building without and with the viscous dampers aforementioned when the building suffers from various Time Domain Response, from the angle of displacement, interstroy drift, velocity, interstory velocity, acceleration, energy, maximum axial force of the dampers and of the column etc., in order to prove that the incorporating the viscous dampers into the buildings has great superiority on enhancing its aseismic performance ; furthermore, this chapter also expatiates on diverse assembly form of the viscous dampers that results in the adverse impact on the internal force of the structural member in this building, on the ground of which this segment bring about the preference of the assembly form of the viscous damper; finally this chapter points out the sphere of application of the analysis and computation using Composite Response Spectra approach in design: it is available in well-proportioned stiffness structures and isn抰 available in the structures that contain weak story. It is recommendable, particularly, to incorporate the fluid viscous dampers into this structure that contain weak story to refrain earthquake and reinforce, such as the Central Hall of Shanghai Exhibition Hall.


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Weak In The Presence Of Beauty
Weak Week
The Weak Willed
Flavor Of The Weak
Only For The Weak
Your Weak Hands
When Your Body Gets Weak
Weak Man, Weak Boy
I Get Weak
Weak Days

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
