英语人>网络例句>waywardness 相关的网络例句

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与 waywardness 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In his handling of the allegations, he has shown a willingness to crack down on waywardness in the provinces, which have been frustrating the central leadership's efforts to rein in the economy.


For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them.


It is laziness and waywardness, however, that causes one to give himself up as hopeless and back down on the pretext of "no interest".


He turned then to go, but paused, saying: Captain Aldarion has forgotten somewhat feat belongs to his other half, which in his waywardness he also thinks urgent.


The essential cause of all dissatisfaction is rooted in the transgression of limits, waywardness, desires, expectations, fears, anxieties and other aspects like lack of understanding of the nature of Reality.


He made no offer of molestation orsociability, but kept aloof on one side of the road, jogging along on the blind side of oldGunpowder who had now got over his fright and waywardness.


Daisy was criticized by people everywhere because of her waywardness and contempt for public opinion. In the end, she was affected with fever.


Might well be indulged in an occasional fit of waywardness.


Wherefore, O My servants, defile not your wings with the clay of waywardness and vain desires, and suffer them not to be stained with the dust of envy and hate, that ye may not be hindered from soaring in the heavens of My divine knowledge.


"Heretofore, the mother, while loving her child with the intensity of a soul affection, had schooled herself to hope for little other return than the waywardness of an April breeze;"


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Green function defined inphase space differs from one in coordinate space by its struc-ture which exhibits nonlocatity in coordinates and oscillatorybehavior with respect to momenta.


The upper front part of a saddle;a saddlebow.


The fame thing I don't like.
