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与 warranty 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

1Deviation or delay in prosecuting the voyage contemplated by the policy is excusedWhere authorized by any special term in the policy; orWhere caused by circumstances beyond the control of the mast er and his employer; orWhere reasonably necessary in order to comply with an expres s or implied warranty; orWhere reasonably necessary for the safety of the ship or sub ject-matter insured; orFor the purpose of saving human life, or aiding a ship in di stress where human life may be in danger; or Where reasonably necessary for the purpose of obtaining med ical or surgical aid for any person on board the ship orWhere caused by the barratrous conduct of the master or crew , if barratry be one of the perils insured against.


The preparers of financial statements do, however, have to contend with the uncertainties that inevitably surround many events and circumstances, such as the collectability of doubtful receivables, the probable useful life of plant and equipment and the number of warranty claims that may occur.


The preparers of financial statements do, however, have to contend with the uncertainties that inevitably surround many events and circumstances, such as the collectability of doubtful receivables, the probable useful life of plant and equipment and the number of warranty claims that may occur.


Prudence 37.The preparers of financial statements do, however, have to contend with the uncertainties that inevitably surround many events and circumstances, such as the collectability of doubtful receivables, the probable useful life of plant and equipment and the number of warranty claims that may occur.


The use of compressible thermal washers and/or improper mounting torque will void the product warranty.


Different product warranty policies leads correspondently to different marketing results and different post sale support costs .


Orex.com makes no warranty, express or implied, that Bid Prices and Ask Prices represent prevailing bid prices and ask prices. In addition, these Bid and/or Ask Prices may reflect, at the direction of the Introducing Broker named above, additional pips added to the BID and/or ASK price that may result in an increase of the dealable spread available for the Customer's account as well as a per trade or per lot commission.


ACTCFX.com makes no warranty, express or implied, that Bid Prices and Ask Prices represent prevailing bid prices and ask prices. In addition, these Bid and/or Ask Prices may reflect, at the direction of the Introducing Broker named above, additional pips added to the BID and/or ASK price that may result in an increase of the dealable spread available for the Customer's account as well as a per trade or per lot commission and/or fees.


MineMaster OTR Tire , 1ST UK Manufactured/Distributed Giant OTR Tire , in radial and bias , warranty on each tyre , full liabilty insurance , certificate of working hours , 5000 guarnteed on radial , 3000 working hours on Bias , sizes from 2700 to 4000R57 , smaller bias available , available in heat and cut compounds , available on monthly contract , full back up service and customer after sales suport , 30-120 dyas credit available from shipment.


MineMaster OTR Tire , 1ST UK Manufactured/Distributed Giant OTR Tire , in radial and bias , warranty on each tyre , full liabilty insurance , certificate of working hours , 5000 guarnteed on radial , 3000 working hours on Bias , sizes from 2700 to 4000R57 , smaller bias available , available in heat and cut compounds , available on monthly contract , full back up service and customer after sales suport , 30-120 dyas credit available from shipment.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
