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与 wage-earner 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After the American-led intervention in 2001, both have rebated themselves across the border in Pakistan's lawless tribal regions, from where they wage a growing insurgency in southern Afghanistan, destabilise Pakistan and plot attacks against Western targets around the world.


Wage: something that remunerates;"wages were paid by check";"he wasted his pay on drink";"they saved a quarter of all their earnings"

你对自己的薪水了解多少?给你一个详细了解、逐个攻克的机会,不要错过哦! 1。 Pay check:工资支票。公司签发的、能够在指定金融机构兑现的支票。。。。

They also decided to let the Detroit leadership begin renegotiating elements of landmark contracts signed last year, a move that could lead to wage concessions.


Its main body is the dynamic wage, which bases on the quantitative outcome of one"s responsibility and achievement. What"s more, the new mechanism intensifies the rewords of technology results and rationalization suggestion, welfare system, spirit, emotion and competition awards, as well as brings up the long-item encouragement and corresponding restriction mechanisms.


Obama didn't name them all, but a decent list would look something like this: new technologies that have made some blue-collar work obsolete; a slowing in the nation's educational attainment; the shriveling of labor unions; the increase in one-parent families, which are far less economically secure; and the rise of other countries that have huge low-wage work forces.


The federal minimum wage has stayed at $5.15 since September 1997. At this level, it is worth 27% of average hourly wages for all employees other than those working in agriculture or for the federal government—far stingier[3] than Britain's rate.

自 1997 年 9 月以来,美国联邦最低工资始终保持着 5.15 美元的水平,相当于所有雇员(除从事农业工作或在联邦政府谋职的人外)平均每小时工资水平的 27%,远低于英国的标准。

The federal minimum wage has stayed at $5.15 since September 1997. At this level, it is worth 27% of average hourly wages for all employees other than those working in agriculture or for the federal government—far stingier[3] than Britains rate.


The federal minimum wage has stayed at $5.15 since September 1997. At this level, it is worth 27% of average hourly wages for all employees other than those working in agriculture or for the federal government—far stingier than Britain's rate.


Their parents may be working low-wage jobs, unable to piece together enough hours of work or subsisting on welfare.


It pictures the struggle which man must wage against his inordinate passions and perverse inclinations, the indulgence of which sullies his conscience and robs him of God's grace:"Vanity of vanities and all is vanity, except to love God and serve Him alone"(Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas prter amare Deum et illi soli servire: I, i).

它拍照的斗争,这名男子要工资对他的过分热情的和有害的倾向,放纵自己,其中sullies他的良心和他失去了上帝的恩典说:&虚荣的面盆和所有的是虚荣,除了热爱上帝和他服务单&( vanitas vanitatum等OMNIA公司vanitas prter阿玛尔deum等illi固体servire :我,我)。

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Working Man's Wage
Minimum Wage
Gotta Go (Can't Wage A War)
Slave To The Wage
Minimum Wage

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
