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与 vulgar 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In pointe shoes the vulgar, useful foot is gone.


Therefore, the authors say, a refined woman always need to rely on a vulgar man possessor ...


According to the character of the posy , the edition of the Han Dynasty mirror poem has been concluded belonging to the eisegetical ShiJin edition of vulgar bookman.


ERROR: Cunt is a vulgar way to refer to female private parts.


The primary character of vulgar sociology is that the art should serve the politics as a propagandistic tool;the research on art is mainly oriented to the relationship between art and society,art and politics,art and classes.


His paintings show a kind of individual heroism, which is so rare in our times. The contemporary painting circle is full of queerness and namby-pambyism, vulgar game and spiritual compromise. So when this young artist emerged with critical attitude of distain and antagonism, he looked quite distinctive of others and well acclaimed.


Some of the popular rap music is considered as vulgar and violent.


Yet if you gaze at it in rapt contemplation, and gaze still more raptly, then when you reflect on your state of mind, just see -- does the slightest vulgar thought remain?


The Gospel of Thomas must have been of considerable length (1300 lines); part of it, in an expurgated recension, is possibly extant in the once popular, but vulgar and foolish,"Stories of the Infancy of Our Lord by Thomas, an Israelite philosopher", of which two Greek, as Latin, a Syriac, and a Slavonic version exist.

福音托马斯必须有很大的长度( 1300线);的一部分,在一个expurgated recension ,可能是现存的再次流行,但庸俗的和愚蠢的,"故事的我国婴幼儿的主托马斯,一个以色列人哲学家",其中两个希腊,作为拉丁美洲,一个叙利亚和斯拉夫语版本存在。

Extensive Reading version of the friend is like Extensive Reading version of the book are many and mixed, and some had regular meetings are on speaking terms, some saw the one hand there would be no good-bye ****, and some foul-mouthed and vulgar taste of fear to be avoided and the Do not say good-bye less.


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A Vulgar Picture
Vulgar Before Me
For Your Vulgar Delectation
Paint A Vulgar Picture

Because the relationship between the roller with ink performance, a printing plate to business card printing and membership card making text, pattern of clarity.


Intuitively, Urban Maximum Flux Principle is to calculate or sense interplays, correlations or complexity of relational reality, and then maximize it under constraints.


The perfect sunshine afternoon is completed with the Little Love Song sung by Sodagreen. I wrote down those murmurs sharing my peaceful mood with you. Your strapped rainy city exchanged whisper words with my sunny weather here in york: the babyblue sky, the milk-white tender clouds. How haven't youlistend to sodagreen yet? such a cyan you ^^ this is the image you create for me.
