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与 vulgar 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A study of attitudes towards money may be the sound way to learn more about the noblecontrast between a noble-minded person and a person with vulgar interests.

例: 进行一项金钱观的研究也许是得知更多的关于一个高尚情操的人与一个低级趣味的人之间不同的合理途径。

Perhaps reproduction is not an entirely bad thing for art. Obliviously, in the contemporary social environment, artists don't have to throw away their right to public space with both hands to pop culture in order to defend their identity as social elites. In other words,"artistic reproduction" is far more valuable than "vulgar reproduction". Whether this is true or not, perhaps we will see after the exhibition.


Pampered, but she's not a vulgar woman, and I have no cause to


This abbreviation of pantaloon was considered vulgar and, as Oliver Wendell Holmes put it,"a word not made for gentlemen, but 'gents.'"

Pantaloon 的缩写被认为是粗俗的,并且正如奥立弗·温德尔·霍姆斯所说,"并不是为绅士而造的词,而是为'家伙们所造'"。

After many years, when her classmates were tired of creating the corner of themselves and disappointed when the fantasy broke up, they didn't find the girl peaky and surrounded in a vulgar circle as they thought before in a together, she looked radiant, and had a mature grace and profoundity more than before.


Three, just good:If just the shape living so much, that can't calculates a beautiful man, either, can be peltry bag of vulgar person just.


They acquired it. They often endeavour, therefore, not only byfraud and falsehood, the ordinary and vulgar arts of intrigue andcabal; but sometimes by the perpetration of the most enormouscrimes, by murder and assassination, by rebellion and civil war,their greatness. They more frequently miscarry than succeed; and


At first sight, this seems as absurd as the well-known Hegelian proposition defining phrenology,"the spirit is the bone": the equalization of the most sublime, elusive theory with the vulgar mass-cultural phenomenon.


You would have formalized me. You would have compressed me into a two-by-four pigeonhole of life, where all life's values are unreal, and false, and vulgar.


But what mischief this prejudice is capable of doing, especially to morality and history, once it has been unbridled to the point of hatred is shown by the notorious case of Buckle [Henry Thomas Buckle (1821-1862), English historian]; here the plebeianism of the modern spirit, which is of English origin, erupted once again on its native soil, as violently as a mud volcano and with that salty, noisy, vulgar eloquence with which all volcanos have spoken hitherto.


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A Vulgar Picture
Vulgar Before Me
For Your Vulgar Delectation
Paint A Vulgar Picture

Because the relationship between the roller with ink performance, a printing plate to business card printing and membership card making text, pattern of clarity.


Intuitively, Urban Maximum Flux Principle is to calculate or sense interplays, correlations or complexity of relational reality, and then maximize it under constraints.


The perfect sunshine afternoon is completed with the Little Love Song sung by Sodagreen. I wrote down those murmurs sharing my peaceful mood with you. Your strapped rainy city exchanged whisper words with my sunny weather here in york: the babyblue sky, the milk-white tender clouds. How haven't youlistend to sodagreen yet? such a cyan you ^^ this is the image you create for me.
