英语人>网络例句>visual 相关的网络例句

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与 visual 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the project of micro pedrail mobile robot, monocular vision can not satisfy the requirement of visual navigation and monocular vision s visual field is obviously smaller than binocular vision.


The main products are: Hammer, thermal conductivity detector, permeameter, contraction of the expansion device, hand-held strain gauge, waterproof material detector, low-bending device, slag ball content in separators, heat load tester, performance test combustion furnace, a variety of thickness, thermal expansion of graphite electrode NG, coal strength meter, electric tamping device, hydrophobicity tester, mineral wool density meter, concrete drilling sampling machines, sawing machines, removed machine, setstube machine, hydraulic bending machine, impervious tester, determination of heat resistance, heating telescopic measuring device, an extension device, penetration tester, small meter, viscometer, drying time tester, pencil hardness tester, pendulum hardness, the adhesion tester, film zoned grid, and resistant to scrubbing detector, solvent resistance detector, wearable device, flat grinding device, wear-resistant coating shakeout device, staining resistance tester, impact tester , piercing instrument, instrument bending film, film coating, and sanding machines, cone-shaped grinding, high-speed dispersion machine, three roller grinder, Scratch tester, indentation tester, gloss Miriam, white tester, fresh video of Miriam, Miriam reflectivity, iron cobalt colorimeter, paint density cup, crack resistance testing apparatus, leveling device, flow hanging device, visual color box, the minimum temperature detector into a grinding, low temperature brittleness tester, visual color boxes, electronic pull machine, Mooney Viscometer, vulcanizing device, the proportion of direct-reading, the cold compression tester, heritage wearable device, Heritage scratch device, the friction coefficient detector, coating Detect zoned grid plate , coating resistance tester, such as burning a variety of test equipment.


Of Chinese visual expression. His personal vision links his post-modern idiom to the ethos of the traditional guo hua landscape: the never ending unraveling of visual and imaginative possibilities.


Therefore, visual perception indicates those psychological counterparts acting in the visual center of brains'physiology.If we apply the perception theory in Gestalt psychology to researching the film's performance, film images will present a large amount of PHI phenomenon resulting from the painting lattice appearing at intervals.


Retinogenesis; photoreceptors; visual pigments; color vision; photoreception; phototransduction; visual purple; opsin; rhodopsin; retina; 11-cis-retinal; vitamin A; chromophores; fovea centralis; macula lutea; recoverin; guanylate cyclase

retinogenesis;光感受器;视色素;色视觉;光感受;光传导;视紫红质;视蛋白;视紫质;视网膜;11 - cis -视网膜的;抗干眼醇;发色团;中央凹;黄斑;恢复蛋白;鸟苷酸环化酶首页上一页共有 15 条记录,本页从第 11 到第 15 条。

Main contents of the second chapter "art words methods" are introduction of art words, basic writing skills and originality design of chinese and western characters, etc. Main contents of the third chapter "basic components of plane" are spot, strokes and spaces, etc. Main contents of the fourth chapter "format and rules of plane" are symmetry and balance, repitition and group tendency, rhythm and cadence, comparision and change, consonance and unification, breakthrough and variance, etc. Main contents of the fifth chapter "basic design of space of a whole page" are gridding system, visual process of space design, word editing, graph space design, etc. Main contents of the sixth chapter "color planning" are color introduction, surface color system, color and visual psychology, color planning, etc. Main contents of the seventh chapter "plane advertisment design" are newspaper and magazine advertisment design, outdoor and POP advertisment design, etc.

第二章"美术字技法"的主要内容有美术字概说、中外文字体的基本写法、中/外文字体的创意设计等;第三章"平面构成的基本要素"的主要内容有造型基本要素如点、线、面等;第四章"平面构成的形式法则"的主要内容有对称与平衡、重复与群化、节奏与韵律、对比与变化、调和与统一、破规与变异等;第五章"基础版面设计"的主要内容有网格系统、版面设计的视觉流程、文字编排、图形的版面设计等;第六章"色彩计划"的主要内容有色彩概论、表色体系、色彩与视觉心理、色彩设计等;第七章"平面广告设计"的主要内容有报刊广告设计、户外广告设计、 POP 广告设计等。

This plausibility follows from the implication that the visual in visual culture consists in things which are designed.


First the idea of visual protractor is introduced,then a Kalman filtering method is used to fuse visual information with encoder information to correct the mobile robot tracks obtained with encoder.


Visual body or astral body teleportation, or visual object teleportation but before we can master teleportation we must first learn the art ofTelekinesis/Psychokinesis and Clairsentience and the higher state of consciousness the seventh sense.


Visual body or astral body teleportation, or visual object teleportation but before we can master teleportation we must first learn the art of Telekinesis/Psychokinesis and Clairsentience and the higher state of consciousness the seventh sense.


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Visual Love
Visual Dreams
Think Visual
I Get Visual

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
