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与 visual 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The design , which is based on the realization of dot operation of Visual C# digital image processing, exterts the object-oriented design technology and the technology on digital image processing, taking visual c#.net as a tool of system utility program development, and microsoft visual studio.net as integrated development enviornment, to develop system software by utility programming and GDI+,and to supports eight functions of digital image processing: inversecolour processing,graylevel processing ,brightening processing,embossment processing,edge test ,image smoothing, darkening processing and transparent processing.

用Visual C#。net 进行数字图像处理是我的一个全新的尝试,它具有开发过程简明,开发方式灵活,扩展性强等特点,是一种被广泛运用的前端开发平台。Visual C#。net提供多种多样的编程技术,对于一个刚入门不久的新手来说无疑是个挑战,尤其是图像处理中的算法,是个大难题,该问题也是这次毕业设计所要解决的主要问题,不过我想能够有毕业设计这个难得的机会使我对VC#有了一个更深入的了解。态度决定一切,只要你认真对待了,就一定会有收获。注:此文版权归本站所有,需付费购买,本站保证购买者的省唯一性。

Chapter 4 proposes the attributed context-free grammar description, transformation methods and framework of organization based on windows of visual languages in a human-computer interface, which provides a reasonable theoretical basis and methods for the description, expanding production and automatic erasion of visual languages and the design of a visual human-computer interface.


Because we mainly involve visual fields of medical science , have placed more contents on the development in the field of medical image of visual technology and argumentation used. Second part It is the visual technology knowledge, the generalization in such respects as the basic principle , basic functions, function store and three-dimensional animation technology to OpenGL ,etc. The realization of the system using OpenGL functions finish that three-dimension demonstration. The third part It is number value that calculate knowledge, three-dimension rebuild technology is it is it is it punish to fit to go on to need, the research of interpolator technology that cant leave, So this part has quoted the Hermite function principle , define cubic Hermite function to begin, calculate the differential coefficient among them draws cubic spline again.

由于我们主要是涉及医学可视化领域,所以将更多的内容放在了可视化技术在医学影像领域的发展与应用的论述;第二部分是可视化技术方面的知识,主要对 OpenGL 的基本原理、基本功能、函数库及三维动画技术等方面的概括,在系统实现时就是通过调用 OpenGL 函数库实现三维显示的;第三部分是数值计算方面的知识,三维重建技术需要进行拟合处理,离不开插值技术的研究,所以这一部分从埃尔米特函数原理开始讨论,引入三次埃尔米特函数,进一步计算时又引用三次样条函数。

The main subject of the discussion is about the connection and development of visual and symbolic signs of Japanese and South Korean. Start with the visual correlation in psychology and the physiological phenomenon, and the development and influence to social and the humanities stratification, as well as with the character of the essential factor, the special characteristic and the utilization scope, to analysis and discussion the significance and the concept between the visual. Synthesis and symbolize signs.


There are three basic ways to communicate—or hint at—the pliancy of an object to users: by creating static visual affordances of the object itself, by dynamically changing visual affordances of the object, or by changing the visual affordances of the cursor as it passes over and interacts with the object.


Theses visual communication from the plane of the principal elements-visual focus of visual space,color,and other aspects of detailed exposition.


On the other hand,a powerful measuring and control software is developed using visual computer language-Visual Basic and Visual C++.This sofrware can simulate the whole process of experiment accurately through animation and real-time curve,which makes the measurement automatic and intelligent.

并利用可视化语言Visual Basic和Visual C++设计出功能强大的系统监控软件,以动画和实时曲线的形式动态模拟出整个实验的进程,使得整个测量工作自动化、智能化。

Finally, the thesis implements a real-time animation of waterfall based on visual C++ and OpenGL graphical library in PC platform, which pays attention to vivid visual effect and real-time processing of visual scene.

本文基于Visual C++编程环境及OpenGL标准图形库设计了一个瀑布场景的演示系统,实现了瀑布的动态绘制,其运动和外观效果真实,在普通的PC机上获得了实时的绘制速度。

The optical element comprises: a plurality of rectangular prisms for dividing linear visual field, and is characterized in that the effective work area of each rectangular prism is a linear narrow slit, which can perform visual field division of the light beam from a long linear geographical object and turn the divided visual field into separate light beams for the rational space arrangement of the subsequent optical elements.


Upon the complexity of the technology calculation of salt pan and the application tendency of computer software,and taking the modularization designing idea as the direction,utilizing Visual Basic 6.0 which is a visual program language facing the objects as the platform,we developed the second generation Visual Basic-technic design of salt pan software with the friendly user interface and more powerful functions.

针对盐田工艺计算的复杂性及当前计算机软件的应用趋势,以模块化设计思想为指导,Visual Basic 6.0这个可视化的、面向对象的编程语言为平台,开发出用户界面友好、功能更为强大的第二代"VB-盐田工艺设计软件"。

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Visual Love
Think Visual
Shock Box
I Get Visual
Visual Dreams
Closed Eye Visuals
Look In Any Window

"Please accept this talisman as a token of our thanks."


If I have that magic, I will be more acceptable in the society.


Annual operating companies adipate project objective is to pass the second quarter of output products, gas pipeline projects simultaneously to major petrochemical and gas production facilities to achieve safe production, is expected to achieve the main business income of 680 million yuan.
