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与 visual 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

NET new characteristic with new function, this text designed the little assistant in an office transacts to lend support to the procedure, designing to have the Visual C#.

NET的新特性和新功能,本文通过设计一个办公室小助手的具体实例,分析建立了典型的具有Visual C#。

In Visual Studio, add the three unzipped projects to the solutions.

在Visual Studio中,将三个压缩项目的解决方案。

This software is based on Visual C++ 6.0, and it utilizes developing approaches faced to objects.

该软件是以Visual C++ 6.0为开发平台,采用了面向对象的设计方法。

Fire resistance of Pinus armandii bole were tested with fuel bed designed by the authors during the prohibitive period of forest fire. The mortality rate was accounted with a program developed by the authors with Visual Basic 6.0 after the phloem of samples were soaked with 4% 2, 3, 5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride solutions, then painted and scanned the distributing map of mortal and living phloem, purified the map color with Photoshop. Relationships between fire resistance of the bole and diameter, wood bark thickness, temperature, and heating time were anayzed. Countermeasures of forest fire protection were put forward.

在森林防火戒严期,用自行设计的装置对云南主要造林树种华山松进行了不同温度、时间作用下的树干耐火性试验,用红四氮唑对高温作用后的树干韧皮部进行了染色,经勾绘、扫描后用Photoshop软件将死亡的韧皮部处理成易于计算机识别的纯色,用Visual Basic 6.0编写的程序计算了树干韧皮部的死亡率,初步分析了华山松树干耐火性率与树干直径、树皮厚度、受热温度、受热时间的关系,据此提出了相应的森林消防措施。

This paper chooses a plastic bottle shaped by stretch-blowing in two steps and its blowing mold as the main research objects, and has developed the Plastic Bottle and its Blowing Mold Computer Aided Design System, that is PBBMCAD system for short. The system is developed on the plate of Visual C++ 6.0 with Pro/TOOLKIT, which is the developing tool of Pro/ENGINEER.

本文以采用拉伸吹塑中的两步法成型的塑料瓶及其吹塑模具为主要研究对象,利用Visual C++ 6.0和Pro/ENGINEER的二次开发工具Pro/TOOLKIT,开发出了塑料瓶及其吹塑模具的三维参数化CAD设计系统——PBBMCAD系统。

Combinative library in this system the actual need analyzes, adopting the mighty Visual in function Basic6.0 be used as to develop the tool, the single machine landscape book that develop out management system.

本系统结合图书馆实际需求分析,采用功能强大的Visual Basic6.0做为开发工具,来开发出来的单机版图书管理系统。

Prepared using Visual C-shaped window, the cloud, pretty and stylish, and hope you like them.

采用VISUAL C++编写的云形窗口,漂亮又美观,希望大家喜欢。

Sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation under the National Key Project"The modern method and system for remote pseudo dynamic testing of structures under earthquake simulation"(50338020), some studies on the method for remotely collaborative hybrid dynamic testing of substructures and structural elements have been carried out in this thesis. The main research achievements are summarized as followings: Based on the network communication platform NetSLab (Networked Structural laboratories) developed by the research group, the rational framework of a platform for remote pseudo dynamic testing applications of substructures and structural elements is proposed and a robust standardized platform entitled NetSLab-SDOF has been developed for remotely collaborative hybrid dynamic testing of single story structures with Visual Basic program language. It is composed of four modules, named as control center, physical tester, virtual tester, and remote observer.

本文结合国家自然科学重点资助课题&现代结构拟动力地震模拟协同试验方法与系统&(50338020),对结构远程协同拟动力试验方法进行了研究,主要成果如下:基于课题组开发的网络平台NetSLab,搭建了结构远程协同拟动力试验平台的构架,采用Visual Basic语言开发了一个标准化的开放式单层结构远程协同拟动力试验平台NetSLab-SDOF,它由控制中心、真实试验机、虚拟试验机和远程观察器四个模块组成。

This paper mainly introduces a new calculation software design method of line dimension chain,which based on Visual Basic.

主要介绍基于Visual Basic的直线尺寸链计算软件的设计方法,详细阐述了直线尺寸链计算软件系统的开发过程、处理技术和绘制尺寸链图的方

Microsoft has sights set on a version of Visual Studio in the cloud at some point.

微软表示也在考虑在Visual Studio未来的某个版本实现云计算。

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Visual Love
Visual Dreams
Think Visual
I Get Visual

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
