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与 visual 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to design fractal patterns in three-dimensions using computer,and to generate the decorative stereoscopy effect in product modeling,it proposed an automatic method to generate three-dimensional fractal patterns by an integrated using of Visual C ++,AutoCAD and Pro/E software.

为了实现分形图案计算机辅助三维化设计,以生成产品造型触感装饰效果,提出一种集成Visual C++、AutoCAD、Pro/E 的三维分形图案自动生成方法。

This system used Visual Basic 6.0 and Access relation type design of storehouse of data.

本系统是用Visual Basic 6.0和Access关系型数据库设计而成的。

Based on the established mathematics models of suspension rope design of strop ropeway,the design system of suspension rope is built up by using Visual Basic 6.0,which has friendly interface with ease to operate and avoids the trivial process of manual calculation.

Visual Basic 6.0是微软公司推出的可视化编程工具之一,是目前世界上使用最广泛的程序开发工具之一,具有简单易学、功能强大、见效快等特点,提供开发 Windows应用程序最迅速、最简捷的方法,适合于面向对象的软件开发[1-2]。

All projects will subdirectory copy to the hard drive, which can then be opened in Visual Basic procedures.

将各个项目子目录拷贝到硬盘上,然后可以用Visual Basic打开程序。

As your primary WPF and Visual Studio visualizer, because its functionality is a superset of what Woodstock has to offer.

作为您的主WPF和Visual Studio中实物,因为它的功能是什么伍德斯托克所提供的超集。

In this paper, a document based on Visual Basic.net the system automatically synchronize the design and implementation process.

本文介绍了一个基于Visual Basic.net的文件自动同步系统的设计和实现的过程。

In order to make up for the shortage of paper "Tide Table",stable curves and TotalTide which are practically applied onboard, through collecting whole data on "Tide Table", an electronic tide diagram is developed using Windows+Visual Studio 2005 as a development platform.

中文摘要:为弥补纸质"潮汐表"、静态曲线图和TotalTide等产品在船舶驾引等实际应用中的不足,通过采集"潮汐表"上的整点数据,利用Windows+Visual Studio 2005开发平台,开发出电子潮汐图表。

This paper introduced that the development of the communication of electric energy timesharing measuring of administrative system with the Visual C++ under Windows2000 operation system.

介绍了在Windows2000操作系统下,利用Visual C++软件开发电能分时计量管理系统通信软件,利用多线程的串口通信技术,成功地实现了主机与多功能电能表数据交换。

NET framework 2 environment with Visual C # development language. We have done a timeslicing streaming server and soft handover streaming receiver. Using PDA for handheld devices, as a test environment to achieve digital video multicast system with seamless handover mechanism.

NET framework 2环境并采用Visual C#作为开发语言,实做具时间切片功能的串流主机及软式交递机制的串流接收器,采用PDA为手持式装置,作为测试环境来实现数位影像多点传送之无缝交递。

Now we could add our custom activity to the Visual Studio Tool Box.

现在,我们可以增加我们的自定义活动的Visual Studio工具盒。

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Visual Love
Visual Dreams
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I Get Visual

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
