英语人>网络例句>viruses 相关的网络例句

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与 viruses 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dialysis is the use of skin "MT" complex of metal ions in principle, decomposition, the replacement skin, heavy metals, free radicals, the source of allergens, kill bacteria, viruses.


It is possible that these viruses have had an important role in the evolution of human defences against disease.


Inactivation of plant virus and the indictor of animal virus by disinfect agent, mechanism of removing and inactivation of viruses by hydroxide modified sand pillar.4. 1. The results of the different microorganism resistances to the disinfect agent of chlorine shown that the indictor of E. coli usually used to evaluation the water body polluted by human deject is no useable.


PL600 chlorine dioxide disinfectant can sterilize and deodorize by evaporating naturally (boiling point=11℃). Use chlorine dioxide by Spraying, wiping or soaking can kill all microbes, including bacteria, viruses, fungus, spore and cryptosporidium, etc.


We of course did interfere as much as possible with the swine flu, with team members entering known storage areas and decontaminating the deadly viruses in it, so the thugs depopulation effort was not successful and dear ones, this is a topic that is going to be covered during the public material.


Virus disease are caused by germ s called viruses, which are even smaller than bacteria.


I propose that the UN set up effective monitor systems to control the dispersal of contagious viruses.


Because canine distemper viruses in different parts of the central nervous system, symptoms vary.


First of all, I want to say is that the distinction between Trojans and viruses.


An unusual isolate from watercress mottle,in association withturnip mosaic and cucumber mosaic viruses,produced small white local necrotic lesions on sapinoculated leaves of Nicotiana tabacum,N.rustica,N.glutinosa,Datura stramonium,Solanumnigra,Brassica pekinensis,B.chinensis,B.campestris,Raphanus sativa,Nasturtium officinale,Spinacia oleracea and Amaranthus mangostanus while small brown local necrotic lesions onGomphrena globosa,Phaseolus vulgaris,Dolichos lablab...


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
