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与 virgins 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A choir of virgins and confessors sing voicelessly.


The temple of Arthemis had become a centre of degradation, where Virgins considered it a privilege to be violated int he presence of goddess Arthemis.


Baldy Li's hopes are foiled. None of them are virgins.


From the Ciboney Indians, who first sailed this sea in their primitive pirogues, to the caravels of Columbus---who in 1493 renamed this land in honor of the 11,000 virgins who gave their lives with St Ursula---right on down to Blackbeard's pirates and Sir Francis Drake whose boarding of gold laden Spanish galleons had given these places eternal legendary fame.

从开始的 Ciboney 印第安人驾驶者原始的独木舟首次航行到这片海域,到到后来哥伦布的小帆船---他于1493年把这里更名为维京岛,为了纪念11,000名在 St Ursula 牺牲的维京人。又到黑胡子海盗和 Francis Drake 爵士和他装满金子的西班牙大帆船给与了此地一段永恒的传奇。

It is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins.


4 These are the ones who have not been defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins.

14:4 这些人是未曾被女人沾污,因为他们是处男。

The Celts were not a sexually repressed people, sexuality was encouraged, and women with children were paid a higher dowery than virgins to become wives - so much was fertility prized.


The constitution of Benedict XIV,"Quamvis justo" of 30 April, 1749, on the subject of the Congregation of English Virgins was the prelude to the legislation of Leo XIII, who by his constitution "Conditae" of 8 December, 1900, laid down the laws common to congregations with simple vows, dividing these into two great classes, congregations under diocesan authority, subject to the bishops, and those under pontifical law.

宪法本笃十四,& quamvis justo &, 1749年4月30日,关于这一主题的会众的英语新妇是前奏的立法利奥十三世,他的宪法&, conditae &, 1900年12月8日,订下法律共同的毕业典礼简单的誓言,这些划分成两个伟大的阶级,教友下拔萃权力,但须以主教,以及圣座下的法律。

The Vestal Virgins, the priestesses who tended the goddess Vesta's shrine in the Forum, performed rites of their own at the Parentalia. The senior Vestal paid a ceremonial visit to the group's "parental" tomb-that of the early Vestal, Tarpeia.


Now, we won't submit to impertinence from these pimply, tipsy virgins.


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Seven Virgins
All Virgins

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
