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The Council of Ephesus (431), the third ecumenical council of the Christian church was significant for its dogmatic decrees on the position of the Virgin Mary in the celestial hierarchy and on the nature of the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

安理会以弗所( 431 ),第三个基督教会的基督教教堂有显著的教条法令的立场圣母在天球上的层次和性质的化身耶稣。

A Roman Catholic office honoring the Virgin Mary; similar to but shorter than the Divine Office.


Anti-Party Group, Twentieth Party Congress (1956), Khrushchev's Secret Speech , de-Stalinization, personality cult,"New Course," Virgin Lands scheme, shestdesyatniki Sakwa, p.

反政党团体,第二十届党代表大会(1956年),赫鲁雪夫的秘密演说,否定史达林、个人崇拜、&新路线&、处女地的利用, shestdesyatniki Sakwa, p。

The logs are from virgin forests, where a thick canopy slowed growth and resulted in exceptionally tight grains favored by fine woodworkers.


Born of a virgin, Alcmene.


The Calendar of the First Prayer Book omitted the fast days altogether and gave only twenty-two saints' days, all being New Testament saints; the only feasts of the Blessed Virgin retained are the Purification and the Annunciation; All Souls' Day is omitted, and there is no office for Corpus Christi.

日历的第一祈祷书省略了快两天,合共只有22圣人'天,所有被新约全书圣人;唯一宴的圣方保留是净化和annunciation ;所有亡灵节是遗漏了,有没有办公室,为科珀斯克里斯蒂。

Crowds are flocking to Allentown where some believe the image of the Virgin Mary appears on this garage door every night.


Crowds are flocking to Allentown where some believe the image of the Virgin Mary appears on this garage door every night.


Crowds are flocking to Allentown where some believe the image of the Virgin Mary appears on this garage door every night.


Crowds are flocking to Allentown where some believe the image of the Virgin Mary appears on this garage door every night.


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Like A Virgin
Curse Of The Virgin Canvas
Virgin Mary Highway
Like A Virgin Again
Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's Cunt
Like A Virgin
Virgin With A Memory
Like A Virgin
Holy Virgin

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
