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与 virgin 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Irenaeus of Lyons in the late 2nd century, claimed in his Against Heresies, We however as always, the more now as better equipped through the Paraclete, that leader into all truth, believe as these do in the only one God, yet subject to this dispensation, that the one only God has also a Son, His Word who proceeded from Himself, by Whom all things were made and without Whom nothing has been made, that this Son was sent by the Father into the virgin and was born of her, both man and God, Son of Man and Son of God and was named Jesus Christ; that He suffered, died, and was buried according to the Scriptures and having been raised up by the Father and taken back into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father, He will come to judge the quick and the dead; and that thereafter He, according to His promise, sent from the Father, the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the sanctifier of the faith of those who believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

透过信仰的成形与系统化表述,产生出我们现今所知道的正统教义:相信一位神以三个位格存在──圣父、圣子和圣灵──祂们彼此同等、同永恒并且同质(希腊文为 ousia )。耶稣不能被视为从属於圣父,像诺斯底派教导说神具有层次;耶稣也不单是另一种形态,像撒伯流派所教导的,表示神仅仅是在不同时间以不同型式存在;耶稣更不是一个神的灵降在他身上,因此他才被选上的人,像亚流所主张的那样,生是一种创造性行为,所以基督事实上是有起源的。头四次教会古代会议决议应当要来肯定只有一位神,但是存在於三个位格:圣父、圣子和圣灵。

Later legend made him an artist, and during the Middle Ages the picture of the Virgin Mary in Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, was ascribed to him.

后来传说,使他成为一位艺术家,并在中世纪的画面圣母玛利亚在Santa Maria Maggiore的,罗马,是归功于他。

A virgin production by a post-1980s director, a low-budget screwball comedy and many more tags could be used to describe One Night in a Supermarket, but what we really care is how this movie entertains and amuses the audiences.


For the international advanced experience of personal protective products and the introduction of China, the Group set up the Virgin Seif safety equipment Co., Ltd., specializing in the production and sale of various types of professional personal protective supplies, and provide customers with professional norms of the proposed security.


Put the flour, eggs, extra virgin olive oil and semolina flour in the mixing bowl of a food processor.

把面粉、鸡蛋、特级初榨橄榄油和粗粒小麦粉放进(品牌Kitchen Aid的)搅拌机的大碗里。

And the representation of Virgo is a virgin holding a sheaf of wheat.

Virgo 也是"面包之屋"的意思。

You don't want "virgin" to be your signifier.


A vision of herself at twenty-one congealed in front of her, like the Virgin come to taunt Slavic schoolchildren.


Finally, the humble Virgin Mary will share her humility with you so that, although you regard yourself with distaste and desire to be disregarded by others, you will not look down slightingly upon anyone.


Sorry I'm not a virgin, sorry I'm not a slut


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Like A Virgin
Curse Of The Virgin Canvas
Virgin Mary Highway
Like A Virgin Again
Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's Cunt
Like A Virgin
Virgin With A Memory
Like A Virgin
Holy Virgin

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
