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与 virgin 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the picture, there is a flying and dancing firefly under the night, with a chaste/virgin nimbus, the nimbus even surpass the moon's mansuetude/tenderness


There is no place for the Blessed Mary in Protestantism, but Anti- Reformation pushed the devotion to another extreme, it led to Mariolatry, which is criticized by rationalists. Several Apparitions in 19th and 20th Century caused new upsurge to devoting the Virgin. Vatican also established the "Immaculate Conception"(in 1854) and the "Assumption"(in 1950) as dogma.


The council of Ephsus in 431 summed up the development of Mariology and made the Virgin Mary as "Theotokos". This council symbolized the beginning of upsurge to the Blessed Mary in Byzantine Empire. To the eighth Century, the upsurge reached to its climax.


O'Holy Virgin, Mediatrix of all heavens graces, dwell within my heart.


Roughly half the semester will be devoted to spirit possession and visitation, trance, and altered states of consciousness, in particular to: snake handling and trance in Appalachia; spiritualism and mediumship in 19th century America; visitations by the Virgin Mary during 1931 in northern Spain; claims of abduction by space aliens in late 20th century America.


Melchior brought a golden cup, which, according to legend, was preserved by the Blessed Virgin Mary and was the same cup used in the institution of the Holy Eucharist.


The meritoriousness of good works, indulgences, the worship of the Virgin, saints, and relics, the sacraments (other than baptism and the Eucharist), the dogma of transubstantiation and the Sacrifice of the Mass, purgatory, and prayers for the dead, auricular confession, celibacy of the clergy, the monastic system, and the use of the Latin tongue in public worship, for which the vernacular languages were substituted.

的体面的优秀作品, indulgences ,崇拜美属维尔京,圣人,和文物的圣礼中,教条的transubstantiation和牺牲的质量,炼狱,并祈祷死者的供词耳,独身神职人员的修道院制度,并利用拉丁美洲的舌头在公共崇拜,这白话文的语言所取代。

However, the size and amount of microporosity increase with the recycle material proportion, and the microporosity in 100% recycled alloy is much more than that in the virgin alloy.


Thus, according to the Jewish view, shared by many Christian theologians, there grew up, through a sort of Messianic Midrash, the myths of Jesus' birth from a virgin after Isa.

因此,根据犹太人的看法,共享许多基督教神学家,有长大的,是通过一种救世主midrash ,传说耶稣的诞生,从维尔京

Its major premise assumes that similar phenomena not merely may, but must, spring from similar causes; its minor premise contends that Christ's virgin birth and the mythical divine sonships of the pagan world are similar phenomena, a contention false on the face of it.


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Like A Virgin
Curse Of The Virgin Canvas
Virgin Mary Highway
Like A Virgin Again
Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's Cunt
Like A Virgin
Virgin With A Memory
Like A Virgin
Holy Virgin

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
