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与 virgin 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her virgin novel The Bluest Eye is the right classic in this aspect.


Technically, I'm a born-again virgin.


We were bile and went back, I was breakdown in despair, the bronchia had been come back, began to cough, so only comforted myself however, I had seen the view that others did not see, regard it as a zipper to explore the virgin soil.


Soft and full of elasticity,the virgin's bubby is so different from the lady.


The Christ with the bridesister, moisture of light, born of an ensouled virgin, repentant sophia, departed to the plane of buddhi.


Nike Chinned Music Max Ltd Shoes are virgin productions that are pushed out in these caducity.


Abigor, Abyssos, Aeternus, Alastis,All Shall Perish, Amon Amarth, Amorphis, Anathema,Ancient, Angelcorpse, Antichrisis, Apostasy,Arcturus, Ashes You Leave, Atheist, At The Gates,Bal-Sagoth, Borknagar, Burzum, Caliban,Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Carnal Forge, Cemetary,Children of Bodom, Cradle Of Filth, Criminal, Cryptopsy,Darkseed, Dark Tranquillity, Darkthrone, Death,Deicide, Destroyer 666, Dimmu Borgir, Dismal Euphony,Dismember, Dissection, Dreams of Damnation, Einherjer,Emperor, Enslaved, Enthroned, Entombed,Evereve, the Gathering, Graveworm, Hypocrisy,Immolation, In Flames, Internal Suffering, Kamelot,Katatonia, Krabathor, Labyrinth,Lamb of God,Marduk, Mayhem, Moonspell, Morbid Angel,My Dying Bride,Napalm Death, Nasum, Nile,Obituary, Old Man's Child, Opeth, Otep,Paradise Lost, Penumbra, Samael, Saturnus,Sentenced, Sepultura, Shadows Fall, Siebenburgen,Sigh, the Sins Of Thy Beloved, Six Feet Under, Skinless,Suffocation, Summoning, Therion, Thyrfing,Tiamat, Tristania, Ulver, Venom,Vintersorg, Virgin Black, Windir, Witchery,Within Temptation.

以邪恶、异教崇拜以及撒旦思想为其主要诉求,通常在歌词含有反基督、反宗教的倾向即被归为黑金属,除了传统重金属固定乐器之外,经常会使用其他乐器如钢琴、小提琴,或歌剧的女高音,在歌曲中营造出一股诡异又吓人的恐怖气氛。"黑金属"以来自北欧的重金属团体最具代表性。1、启蒙黑金属:在八十年代初,英国的地下重金属乐队Venom,在音乐中明确宣扬了对撒旦的崇拜、对战争的渴望,并且是由他们第一次将"Black Metal"这个名词带到金属圈内,为日后的黑金属乐队指明了音乐方向;瑞典同样出现了两支启蒙型的黑金属乐队,Bathory和Celtic Frost,他们的音乐已经基本上具备了原始黑金属的特点:粗糙、暴虐、邪恶!而Bathory的第一张专辑也被誉为是第一张黑金属唱片。不能不提的是丹麦的Mercyful Fate,他们虽然对日后的原始黑金属没有什么过多的影响,但是却对歌特黑金属、交响黑金属、歌特金属有着榜样的作用。

Candlemas is the Christian feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary, when it was customary for the clergy to bless candles given to parishioners.


To the other side of the Bible, a small amount of cense, or incense, in a virgin censer.


Under Serallach, Gaudi worked on the project of the Villa de Arcadia, a recreational farm in Montjüic. Working together with Juan Salamera, he learned industrial design by working on the design of the trolley railways to unite the farm with the Peace Gate. Under del Villar, Gaudi designed the apse and the chamber of the Virgin of the Monastery of Monserrat. Under Punti, he learned the skills of carpentry, ironsmith, ceramist, and glassmaker.

和Serrallach合作时,高第负责一个位於Montjüic的休闲农场Villa de Arcadia的计画,与Juan Salamera合作,他在建造连结农庄与和平门的电车里习得工业设计;在del Villar门下,高第设计了Monserrat修道院的原顶和圣母像房间的格局,与Punti合作时,他接触了木匠、铁匠、陶艺及玻璃工匠的技术。

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Like A Virgin
Curse Of The Virgin Canvas
Virgin Mary Highway
Like A Virgin Again
Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's Cunt
Like A Virgin
Virgin With A Memory
Like A Virgin
Holy Virgin

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
