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virgin forest相关的网络例句

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与 virgin forest 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seven Chinese climbers were trapped Tuesday in virgin forest in Indonesia after their local guide suddenly refused to lead them, Nanfang Metropolitan Daily reported. Wang Qiuyang, co-chairwoman of the Antaeus Group and Sun Mian, head of the New Weekly, were among the climbers.


After more than 30 years protection, the islet is the cover Taiwan acacia, the beefwood, the black pine and the mountain cuckoo, the myrtle , the tree fern, the awn winnow basket, just like virgin forest.


It was of no avail that the pavements of Paris were there on every side, the classic and splendid hotels of the Rue de Varennes a couple of paces away, the dome of the Invalides close at hand, the Chamber of Deputies not far off; the carriages of the Rue de Bourgogne and of the Rue Saint-Dominique rumbled luxuriously, in vain, in the vicinity, in vain did the yellow, brown, white, and red omnibuses cross each other's course at the neighboring cross-roads; the Rue Plumet was the desert; and the death of the former proprietors, the revolution which had passed over it, the crumbling away of ancient fortunes, absence, forgetfulness, forty years of abandonment and widowhood, had sufficed to restore to this privileged spot ferns, mulleins, hemlock, yarrow, tall weeds, great crimped plants, with large leaves of pale green cloth, lizards, beetles, uneasy and rapid insects; to cause to spring forth from the depths of the earth and to reappear between those four walls a certain indescribable and savage grandeur; and for nature, which disconcerts the petty arrangements of man, and which sheds herself always thoroughly where she diffuses herself at all, in the ant as well as in the eagle, to blossom out in a petty little Parisian garden with as much rude force and majesty as in a virgin forest of the New World.


It was of no avail that the pavements of Paris were there on every side, the classic splendid hotels of the Rue de Varennes a couple of paces away, the dome of the Invalides close at hand, the Chamber of Deputies not far off; the carriages of the Rue de Bourgogne of the Rue Saint-Dominique rumbled luxuriously, in vain, in the vicinity, in vain did the yellow, brown, white, red omnibuses cross each other's course at the neighboring cross-roads; the Rue Plumet was the desert; the death of the former proprietors, the revolution which had passed over it, the crumbling away of ancient fortunes, absence, forgetfulness, forty years of abandonment widowhood, had sufficed to restore to this privileged spot ferns, mulleins, hemlock, yarrow, tall weeds, great crimped plants, with large leaves of pale green cloth, lizards, beetles, uneasy rapid insects; to cause to spring forth from the depths of the earth to reappear between those four walls a certain indescribable savage grandeur; for nature, which disconcerts the petty arrangements of man, which sheds herself always thoroughly where she diffuses herself at all, in the ant as well as in the eagle, to blossom out in a petty little Parisian garden with as dddtt.com rude force majesty as in a virgin forest of the New World.

巴黎的铺石路白白在那一带围绕,华伦街上的那些典雅富丽的府第相隔才两步路,残废军人院的圆顶近在咫尺,众议院也不远,勃艮第街上和圣多米尼克街上的那些软兜轿车白白地在那一带炫耀豪华,驶来驶去,黄色的、褐色的、白色的、红色的公共马车也都白白地在那附近的十字路***织奔驰,卜吕梅街却但是 dddTt 冷清清的;旧时财主们的死亡,一次已成过去的革命,古代豪门望族的崩溃、迁徒、遗忘,四十年的抛弃和寡居,已足使这个 www.8 ttt8。 com 享受过特权的地段重新生满了羊齿、锦葵、霸王鞭、蓍草、长茅草,还有那种叶子宽大、颜色灰绿、斑驳的高大植物,蜥蜴、蜣螂、种种仓皇急窜的昆虫,使那种无可言喻的蛮荒粗野的壮观从土壤深处滋长起来,再次展现在 dd dtt。 com 那四道围墙里,使自然界棗阻扰着人类渺小心机的、随时随地在蚂蚁身上或雄鹰身上都肆意孳息的自然界,在巴黎的一个陋劣的小小园子里,如同在新大陆的处女林中那样,既犷悍又庄严地炫耀着自己。

The exploitation of huge areas of virgin forest in both Sichuan and Yunnan provided timber and land for agricultural use but also exposed substantial reserves of crocidolite.


When farmers have exhausted all virgin forest on their land they begin to cultivate dryland rice in the bush-fallow Once they are cultivating in bush-fallow, increasing weed populations and declining yields result in an ever-shortening fallow period until a time is reached when it is no longer worthwhile for the farmer to continue.


If you come here you can have the chance to witness the mighty thousand-year-old glacier on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the fantasticality and quietness of virgin forest and the amazing songs and dance of Naxi nationality.


Dozens of meter high giant chimpanzee, the flagitious prehistoric fears dragon, nobody treads and virgin forest, reverent ignorant man......


There is even a virgin forest park in the middle city – Stanley Park.


Membranous Milkvetch and Chinese Globeflower, growing in Yichun virgin forest of the Lesser Xinganling Mountains, are purely wild herbs, rich in nutrition and good for health care.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
