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virgin birth相关的网络例句

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与 virgin birth 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

About AD 178 the Platonic philosopher Celsus ridiculed the virgin birth of Christ, comparing it with the Greek myths of Danae, Melanippe, and Antiope; Origen (c. Cels. I, xxxvii) answered that Celsus wrote more like a buffoon than a philosopher.

大约公元178柏拉图式的哲学家celsus嘲笑处女耶稣的诞生,它与希腊神话的danae , melanippe ,安提厄普;渊源回答说, celsus写道越来越象一个小丑比一位哲学家。

There can be no doubt as to the Church's teaching and as to the existence of an early Christian tradition maintaining the perpetual virginity of our Blessed Lady and consequently the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.


It was not a controversial matter such as might have been addressed in the epistles (Christology in general was not a particularly controversial matter among the Christians, and even if it had been, the virgin birth most likely was not seen as a means of supporting Christological dogma).

这不是一个具争议性的问题,例如可能已在教会中( christology一般不是一个特别有争议的问题,其中基督徒,而即使它一直是,维尔京诞生最有可能不会被视为一种手段,支持基督论教条)。

While we cannot say dogmatically that God could enter the world only through a virgin birth, surely the incarnation is a supernatural event if it is anything.


It wasn't until he had created a homunculus that would be to all intents and purposes his child, its flesh made up of the same DNA as his, that he had come to believe there was something holy in the imminent arrival. It was another Virgin Birth.


Some have thought that Ignatius shows acquaintance with a tradition independent of the Gospels affirming the virgin birth.


With some differences among themselves, fundamentalists insist on belief in the inerrancy of the Bible, the virgin birth and divinity of Jesus Christ, the vicarious and atoning character of his death, his bodily resurrection, and his second coming as the irreducible minimum of authentic Christianity.


Thus it is possible that these incidental references to Jesus' birth actually confirm the virgin birth, though this evidence is not of great weight.


His mother glowed with the divine Glory usually reserved for kings; the soul of the prophet was placed by God in the sacred Haoma plant (which Z. condemned in the Gathas) and the prophet was conceived through the essence of Haoma in milk (though the birth is not a virgin birth, but the natural product of two special, but earthly parents.).


The Undivided Church taught and teaches the virgin birth of Jesus Christ only The Orthodox Church honors highly the Virgin Mary as the Theotokos, the unique personality chosen by God to serve the highest mission toward the salvation of mankind in the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.


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