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- 与 viola 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Here are some jokes about the viola: Why don't violists play hide and seek?
He's spent 30 years enlarging the viola repertoire, and will leave behind many works, which he has inspired, for future violists to play.
So for me playing the viola was a way of being part of the amateur orchestras.
And also, orchestras are desperate to have viola players because they don't have enough.
Before the 18th century, the viola played the role of bass harmonies with other instruments, or worked with the oboes, or filled in the cello and violin parts.
Any of various low-growing herbs of the genus Viola, having short-spurred, irregular flowers that are characteristically purplish-blue but sometimes yellow or white.
When I was 9, I played Viola in Twelfth Night. Mum was very proud.
Ouble Concerto for Viola d'amore and Lute in D minor, RV 540
小调维奥拉达莫、琉特琴、弦乐和通奏低音二重协奏曲,RV 540
To some extent, my ears accommodated to this signature in the long term, but it still changed instrumental tone colors too much for suspension of disbelief: the oboe sounded more like an oboe d'amore; cello sounded too woody, like a big viola; and the Steinway piano on Stereophile 's recent Concert CD (STPH 005-2) sounded too boxy.
在某种程度上,我的耳朵安置到这一长期的签名,但仍然改变乐器音色太多的怀疑暂停使用:双簧管双簧管更像一个科特迪瓦爱茉莉响起,大提琴听起来太像一个大木本中提琴;和关于发烧天书氏最近音乐会的CD 施坦威钢琴(STPH 005-2)听起来太臃肿。
In the method glacial acetic acid was used as solvent, and 0.2 % viola crystalline was used as indicator.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Viola
- Som Da Viola
- Coração Do Brasil
- Pout-Pourri: Chora Viola / Caminheiro / Ladrão De Mulher / O Campeão / A Vaca Foi Pro Brejo
- Goiânia Me Espera
- Tristeza Do Jeca
- Zé Bento
- La Hormiguita
- Morena Proibida
- Little Viola Hidden In The Orchestra
- 推荐网络例句
All things being equal, I prefer not to be bouncing off the walls.
It's true, the GTR demonstrated that E most definitely doesn't equal MC squared. How else can a car with 1700KG appear to be so lithe and nimble, so fast and manoeuvrable?
还真别不信, GTR带着1700公斤的车重,却有如此灵活敏锐梦幻般的操控表现似乎在跟爱因斯坦争论着E根本不等于MC的平方。
When pulverized coal dust at the MEC was dispersed in an entry, a cap lamp 10-feet within the cloud was not visible to observers standing in front of the dispersed dust.