英语人>网络例句>vignetting 相关的网络例句

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与 vignetting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is only to be used at the longest telephoto setting of the camera in order to avoid vignetting.


A difference emerges with the fact that the IOR shows some vignetting, which is not there in the DF. The reason is that the DF employs larger prisms, which enable it to fully illuminate the 60 degs. field of view.


2According to requirement of suppressing stray light in two-mirror system, vertex coordinate formulas of inner baffle are deduced based on geometrograph in the case of certain obscuration, viewing field and vignetting. In order to reduce the obscuration, conical baffle of secondary mirror is ameliorated into a shutter one. Outer baffle is designed when angle of stray light suppressing is foregone and the vanes are designed in C-language program. Finally, the same-height vanes in drawtube between primary and secondary mirrors are designed for further suppressing the stray light in two-mirror system.


In this paper, the research on vignetting is done and a formula for vignetting about field angle、entrance window, entrance pupil and the distance between them is deduced.


Example3:Exposure control:film speed Exposure: on, Shutter Speed (s^-1): 60.0, f-number: 8.0, Vignetting: on, White balance: white


Example8: White balance Exposure: on, f-number: 8.0, Shutter Speed (s^-1): 200.0, ISO: 200.0, Vignetting: on


The program uses a process that involves the taking of a second picture using a bright background with the same lens, filters and hood that caused the initial vignetting effect.


Due to the problem that the relative parameters of aviatic sensing image are often difficult to get, A line scan and data fitting method was presented in order to obtain whole gray change in image, and then to correct image vignetting phenomenon.


Considering the particularity of bar code scanning system, a new method to analyze the intrinsic vignetting effect of retroreflective collection system with the help of computer graphics is proposed and has been used to optimize the optical system configuration.


Neither distortions nor vignetting are real problems in field conditions.

无论是变形失真还是 VIGNETTING ,户外使用都没有问题。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
