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Intertwining vignettes of Alvin Ailey's choreography with undertones of social movements, these three choreographers' unique styles are seamlessly connected on a journey through the past, present and future.


Over the years he depicted there a unique collection of Americana, a series of vignettes of remarkable warmth and humor.


David Colman, Managing Director, adds: With our increased line screen, smoother vignettes and improved print quality, we are strengthening relationships with our existing customers and winning new business.


This is a movie loosely connected set of vignettes. It is filled with indelibly haunting black comic imagery.


Jumping between Manhattan and Fire Island, vignettes carry us from the it-couldn't-happen-to-me mentality of the early days of the disease to the invasive effect it has had on all of our lives, today.


The company is doing more complex work four-color to produce vignettes better.


Thomas Hardy's novel Jude the Obscure, Alice Meynell's romantic poem Renouncement, the announcement of the birth of a friend's child all provided vignettes for the album, which Michael hopes will also encourage the listener's expression of his or her own heart's stories.

这张专辑的扉页里包括了Thomas Hardy的小说《无名的裘德》、Alice Meynell的浪漫诗歌《放手》以及Michael的一位友人爱子诞生的消息。Michael 希望,所有的这些都能够唤起听众内心深处属于自己的那份心灵鸡汤。

Nickelodeon owners began using cartoons to clear the theater between performances, much like movies themselves had been used to clear vaudeville houses when audiences tired of the 30-second vignettes made for carnival peep show machines more than a decade earlier.


Switzerland's capital of dirndls and schnitzel, Lucerne is known for the Alpine charm of its snowcapped mountains, green vistas, and slice-of-life vignettes like this cobblestone courtyard.


In clear, down-to-earth language, illustrated with numerous vignettes and real-world examples, Runion teaches readers how to

在明确的,下跌到地球的语言,说明了与众多vignettes和真实世界的例子, runion教导读者如何

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
