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与 victory 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Getting to represent Canada at the prestigious art gathering has been a "pyrrhic victory," according to Barbara Fischer, curator of the project and executive director of the Justina M.

能够代表加拿大参加威尼斯双年展是一件很荣幸的事,正如此次加拿大馆的策展人Barbar Fischer说的那样。

However, Kasparov regrouped to win three and draw two of the remaining five games of the match, for a convincing victory.


Once again there was no stopping him, this time in Doha/Katar, taking the title with a 6:3, 6:1 victory against Croatia's Ivan Ljubicic.


Do not know, I think the most beautiful ever was one I made against Rubin Kazan, but that today was very important. We were good it was a painful victory and my classmates were great.


His strong start and aggressive all-around game set the tone for a key road victory over the Rockets without suspended starter Derek Fisher.


The Jacobites, fresh from their victory at Killiecrankie to the north, attacked Government forces based in Dunkeld.


Kislev 25 - Hanuka celebrates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrian army.

kislev 25 -k ims6331庆祝重新的寺庙在耶路撒冷胜利后的集会超过叙利亚军队。

An eight - day festival beginning on the25th day of Kislev, commemorating the victory in165b.c.of the Maccabees over Antiochus Epiphanes(c.215 - 164b.c)and the rededication of the Temple at Jerusalem.


The Klamath RiverKeeper, a another California watchdog group, won a victory in March when it got the Environmental Protection Agency to reverse a prior decision and designate the Klamath River as being impacted by algae from a company's dam, where the concentrations exceeded safety standards.


For KMT, the 2008 presidential election, it would be a landslide victory.


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The Greatest Pac-Man Victory In History
Victory Lap
Victory Lap (Remix)
Victory At Monterey
The Victory
A Victory Of Love
A Victory Of Love (Demo Remix)
For Victory Or Death
Victory Strikes Again

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
