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与 vice-chairman 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arriving earlier yesterday in havana, Nader was warmly welcomed at the airport by Alarcon, chairman of Cuban National Assembly


Classics commissioner can be chosen seriously, the Babaji in A is round Ma Yun of trustee bureau chairman, the Communist Party of China 17 big delegates, the Chinese People's Liberation Army major general of army of Gu Dan of 211 hospitals dean , hou Xiulan of president of elementary school of test of city of Benxi of province of the delegate of outstanding basic level that teachs battlefront, Liaoning , the times van that socialistic new rural area builds, Sichuan saves double Mao Jiawan drifting a county to press down alcalde Mao Guocong, have " northeast civilian tells an official the first person " praise Jiang Caiyi of director of office of Liaoning Jing Heng's attorney, and Niu Shuhai, Li Chunyou, Ji Shengjun, Chen Gang, Zheng Yuanzhong be elected for times of the 6th China character of 10 big news.


If we didn't have the infrastructure that NetJets provides, we wouldn't have a business, says Marquis chairman Bill Allard.

如果我们没有NetJets提供的基础支持,就不会有我们的公司,Marquis的主席Bill Allard说。

Amal"s chairman Berry and Hizbullah"s general-secretery Nasrallah are the two most influential Shiite politians in Lebanon.


And in Congress, Richard D'Amato, a Democrat and the chairman of the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, worries aloud that Chinese firms listing shares in America are siphoning American money into a "China bubble".

在国会,美中经济与安全评估委员会主席,民主党人Richard D'Amato大声疾呼,中国在美上市企业正在将美国的钱吸入"中国的泡沫"。

How to build the ambry that be at ease to consume an environment at present, already caused the attention of the personage inside ambry course of study and consumer, yao Liangsong says president of ambry of clique of Europe of executive chairman of committee of major of ambry of countrywide business association, Guangzhou, Disorder of environment of competition of ambry industry market and issue of care of can of ambry environmental protection, be the problem that a few when place of Chinese ambry course of study is faced with urgent need solve.


Miller, a former America Online chairman and CEO.


Oil prices have been perfectly random for 148 years-get used to it," says Amory Lovins, chairman and chief scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute, an energy research laboratory in Snowmass, Colo."

落矶山研究中心主任兼首席科学家Amory Lovins表示:油价已自由波动了148年,我们需要对此习以为常。

However, the administer of this giant kingdom person Li Jianxi however act is low-key, secret, element has " anchoret chairman " say.


Its chairman, Anil Ambani, now wants to start offering GSM services across the country.

该公司的董事长Anil Ambani现在也想在全国开展GSM业务。

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Can be used to cut and punch potsherd and silicon chips and so on; in the packing industry, it can be


How can classificatory structures be used to improve science education?

怎样用 分类的结构改善自然科学教育?

A thin layer of water between the mica surfaces increased the pull-off force three fold comparing with the dry contact.

在粘着研究中,法向分离力(pu ll-off forces)是衡量粘着强度的重要标准,准确地捕捉分离力的值和变化规律对于研究微观接触力学和粘着行为都具有十分重要的意义。