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与 veterans 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is the second in a five-part series," Retelling the War ," in which veterans discuss how books, movies and other tales of combat shaped their perceptions of themselves and of war.


They find the "enemy" to be industrious and not much different than themselves, and the veterans enjoy a chance to relax and even "fraternize" with the locals.


The college is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant students and to train veterans under the GI Bill of Rights.


Goode, MD, from the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama, and colleagues."This provides a form of passive exercise with the goal of improving the urethral closure mechanism."

Goode博士表示,PFES 对於无法辨别或收缩骨盆底部的肌肉收缩,是具有教导效果的,这可以提供一种被动的训练,以达到改善尿道关闭机制的目标。

The tricolor French flag draped his coffin, carried by an honor guard of fellow veterans.


One might have second thoughts about the theorists' influence when one watches how the veterans of televised election campaigns fight each other for every single minute when it comes to displaying their limousine , their historic appearance before the guard of honor, their hairstyle on the platform, and above all their speech organs.


The government announced Gurkha veterans will automatically be allowed to settle in the United Kingdom.


The British government has reversed its policy of limiting the rights of some Gurkha veterans to settle in Britain.


The rights of some Gurkha veterans to settle in Britain.


Actress Joanna Lumley has been mobbed by hundreds of well-wishers and Gurkha veterans after arriving in Nepal for a week-long visit.

女演员Joanna Lumley到达尼泊尔之后,被数百祝福者以及廓尔喀族退伍军人簇拥,她将开展为期一周的访问。

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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
