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与 veterans 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some of the largest paredes occur on Columbus Day, Veterans Day (November 11), independence Day


"We have combat veterans telling us how it is," he said.


Camilo Mejia, the first conscientious objector to the Iraq war and chairperson of the board of Iraq Veterans against the War spoke of a groundswell of resistance within the US military to the war in Iraq, which will enter its sixth year later this month.


God-fearing, Jesus-saved people voted for him (their "designated sinner", as his biographer, George Crile, described him) because he got them a veterans' hospital and a highway and the Lufkin civic centre where, every autumn, he hosted a dominoes tournament for seniors.


We have some great veterans on our ballclub and having a guy like Deke is a luxury not many teams have.


More importantly, due to the rapid expansion of their ranks, filled by former Nationalist troops discharged from the demilitarization, the sudden increase of troops of the Communists meant that the original Communist peasantry army that was largely illiterate had suddenly became an army with 90% of its force being well trained, technically capable and combat hardened veterans that were more than a match for the Nationalist forces, who now had only three-quarters of the amount of Communist weaponry, with a handful of tanks and aircraft.

更重要的是,由于从原国民党部队得到大量的人员,从而得以迅速扩军,这些突然增加的兵力对中共意味着原来共产农民军,主要是文盲,如今却摇身一变成了它 90%的陆军力量是训练有素的,技术上的先进和有实战经验丰富的老兵使得共产军的实力超过了作为对手的政府军,他们现在只有四分之三数量于共产军的武器,一点点的坦克和飞机。

Many families also displace flags on their homes, and some take time to visit veterans' cemetery.


Two veterans son and father dropt together


"The new Centre will mean St Dunstan's will be able to reach out to many more blind veterans, so that they too can look forward to an independent future."


After six months of enlistment, Icahn veterans choose to be a stockbroker.


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