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与 veterans 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

More than 1,800 people—bantering groups of friends, loners, shell-shocked veterans and weary single mothers—turned up recently for an event dubbed Project Homeless Connect.


The boldness, courage, and stamina of General Anderson's forces could not have been exceeded by the most battlewise veterans.


The bottom line is that veterans and new players alike should be able to enjoy the monk.


I didn't get the shot I wanted, because one of the bearded veterans started staring at me warily.


Among the candidates are two Oscar veterans, two newcomers (Mulligan, a Brit beguiler in her first starring movie role, and Sidibe, who had never gone for so much as an audition before testing for Precious) and the wild card: Bullock, who matches Jeff Bridges for likability but has never been nominated for an Oscar before.


The survey for a veterans' charity also found one in 10 thought the SS stood for Enid Blyton's Secret Seven

这项为一个老兵慈善组织开展的调查发现,十分之一的受访学生将SS当成伊妮德-布莱顿的作品《七个小孩》(Secret Seven

The survey for a veterans ' charity also found one in 10 thought the SS stood for Enid Blyton's Secret Seven, and one in 12 believed the Blitz was a European clean-up operation following the Second World War.

布莱顿的作品《七个小孩》,12人中有一人认为(1940 年德国对英国的)"闪电战"空袭是"二战"后欧洲开展的一次清扫行动。

The survey for a veterans' charity also found one in 10 thought the SS stood for Enid Blyton's Secret Seven, and one in 12 believed the Blitz was a European clean-up operation following the Second World War.

这项为一个老兵慈善组织开展的调查发现,十分之一的受访学生将SS当成伊妮德·布莱顿的作品《七个小孩》,12人中有一人认为(1940 年德国对英国的)"闪电战"空袭是"二战"后欧洲开展的一次清扫行动。

One of the best comments came in a beer-drinking bull session with some veterans.


For the majority of Korean War veterans the medal will be worn after the United Nations Medal, or the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal if they served during that conflict.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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