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So thank you, veterans and active service men and women.


Defence Minister Bob Ainsworth said he was "behind the curve", as the Government had already launched a Command Paper designed to improve support for troops, families and veterans.


Allingham is one of only two surviving World War One veterans in the United Kingdom and the last surviving founder member of the Royal Air Force, according to British media.


After this Veterans Day ritual, ceremonies will continue in the surrounding amphitheater with speakers and tributes.


There were middle aged veterans of antiwar protests of earlier times.


And then there was the small matter of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth: the shocking efficiency with which a few well-placed ads and the chants of conservative media could transform a decorated Vietnam War hero into a weak-kneed appeaser.


Nine years later, congress decided to change the name of the holiday from armistice day to veterans day.


This was first described ill a group of American army veterans.


The veterans interviewed for this article disputed General Askari's statement and said they were paid only a small fraction of their salaries, or nothing at all.


Jim Webb, the junior senator from Virginia, who defeated the incumbent Republican George Allen in 2006, is or has been: a best-selling author; a screenwriter (Rules of Engagement, and another in the works); an Emmy-winning documentary producer; the author of a large number of articles and book reviews; an Annapolis graduate; a boxer (he lost a legendary and controversial championship match at Annapolis against Oliver North ); an autodidact who grew up a military man's son and indifferent student but on his own became a passionate reader of history; a first lieutenant and Marine rifle platoon commander with Delta Company in Vietnam, where he won the Navy Cross for heroism (the second-highest award in the Navy and the Marines), the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and two Purple Hearts; a graduate of Georgetown Law School who then worked on the staff of the House Veterans Affairs Committee; a teacher of English literature at the Naval Academy; and an assistant secretary of defense and then secretary of the Navy during the Reagan administration.


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