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与 veterans 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the end of the month, I announced that the Veterans Administration would provide compensation to Vietnam veterans for a series of severe illnesses, including cancers, liver disorders, and Hodgkins disease, that were associated with exposure to Agent Orange, a cause long championed by Vietnam veterans, Senators John Kerry and John McCain, and by the late Admiral Bud Zumwalt.


For years, Veterans' Day in Wartburg, Tennessee, was celebrated at Central High School every November 11 with local veterans from the American Legion who would stop by and put on a program, educating students about the people who served their country.


And many of these patients, who wouldn't normally get better, showed significant improvement, said Dr Christopher Bever, chief of neurology at the Veterans Administration Medical Centre in Baltimore, where one of the studies was conducted.

这里的每一位在正常治疗中没有好转的病人都通过这种俩法有了很多的进步。Veterans医疗中心的神经学主任,Christopher Bever博士这样说道。在这里,这种治疗方法在这里被实行。

And many of these patients, who wouldn't normally get better, showed significant improvement, said Dr Christopher Bever, chief of neurology at the Veterans Administration Medical Centre in Baltimore, where one of the studies was conducted.

是位于巴尔的摩市Veterans Administration Medical Center的神经系权威,他所进行的研究之一就是在这里展开的,他指出,其中的许多病人按理说是无法复原的,但经过了机器人治疗后,病情有显著改善。

And many of these patients, who wouldn't normally get better, showed significant improvement, said Dr Christopher Bever, chief of neurology at the Veterans Administration Medical Centre in Baltimore, where one of the studies was conducted.

Christopher Bever博士这位Baltimore Veterans 行政医疗中心的神经系权威指出,许多本无法复原的病人在经过机器人治疗后,病情有了显著改善。他所进行的研究之一就是在这里展开的。

This could explain why, during the 2004 presidential campaign, it took some weeks for the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign against Senator John Kerry to have an effect on his standing in the polls.

这也就能解释为什么在200年的总统选举中,Swift Boat Veterans 为对抗Senator John Kerry花了几周时间做真相宣传以保证他在大选中的地位。

The company is perhaps best known in its space for its line of mobile computing and imaging technology used by the U.S. Postal Service, Dillard's and Veterans Administration hospitals.

该公司在其领域最为人所知的是其移动计算机和图像技术,它们被美国邮政局和 Dillard's以及Veterans Administration医院采用。

"That's why I will send our service men and women into harm's way only when it's necessary and ensure that they have the training and equipment they need when they enter the theater of war, that's why we're building a 21st century Department of Veterans Affairs with the largest single year funding increase in 3 decades, it's a commitment that will help us provide our veterans with the support and benefits they have earned, and expand quality healthcare to a half million more veterans."


Many Americans have given their lives in service to their country and we honor them on Veterans' Day.

许多美国人都丧生於为国服务时,所以我们会在退伍军人纪念日(Veterans' Day)当天表彰他们的贡献。

Many Americans have given their lives in service to their country and we honor them on Veterans' Day.

许多美国人都丧生于为国服务时,所以我们会在退伍军人纪念日(Veterans' Day)当天表彰他们的贡献。

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When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
