英语人>网络例句>variable-density system 相关的网络例句
variable-density system相关的网络例句

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与 variable-density system 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The book is divided into 14 chapters, including Introduction, continuous control system theory, process and discrete sampling, Z transform, sampled-data systems, discrete approximation of continuous system the equivalent, based on mathematical transform the classical design method, based on state space pole placement design methodology, multi-variable system of quadratic optimal control, quantitative effects, the choice of sampling period, the digital control system modeling, digital control system for a variety of design methods, variables quadratic optimal control systems, sampling cycle of selection, non-linear control of the problem, as well as digital control system, a typical application - Disk drive servo control design.


Presents the design of longitudinal control for ASTOVL lift-fan aircraft, a multi-variable, strong-coupling, complicated nonlinear system to make the system nonlinear offset and decouple, and the method used for linear system in designing the system to gain expectant flying qualities and the combination of aerodynamic control surfaces with thrust vectors to delay the control surfaces getting into saturation, and the minimum N-norm generalized inverse theorem of weighted generalized inverse adopted to apportion the moments commands, which make the control surfaces gain appropriate deflection and the simulation results to verify the dynamic inverse control laws designed really make the system nonlinear offset and decouple; when one command is given, only this output will response, and others do not response; when all commands are given together, the responses will be just the linear superpose of the response of each command, therefore the operation of the pilot will be simplified greatly.

摘 要: ASTOVL升力风扇飞机是多变量、强耦合、复杂的非线性系统,采用非线性动态逆理论设计控制律以实现系统的非线性对消及解耦,然后,采用线性系统的设计方法对系统进行设计,以使系统获得期望的飞行品质。同时,考虑到ASTOVL升力风扇飞机是由气动舵面和推力矢量融合作用的,为了延缓各舵面进入饱和的时间,采用加权广义逆中的极小N-范数广义逆定理分配力矩指令,从而使各舵面达到适当的偏转角。并将所设计的控制律进行了仿真,结果验证了所设计的动态逆控制律使系统实现了非线性对消和解耦,单个指令作用时,只有该项响应,其余不受影响;所有指令作用时,其结果就等于单个指令作用时的线性叠加,这样使驾驶员的操纵大大简化而易于控制,从而大大降低了飞行事故率。

Optimization arithmetic of low osmose oil field network problem is presented that oil-gas gathering system, sewage dispose system, injection system, electricity system are solved in succession, and the systems are connected with variable, layout and parameter optimization are included in every son system.


Different from traditional system protection models, such as access control matrix model, this theory describes the operations in system by functions of random variable vectors, build an analysis model of trusted system with three axioms, and analyze the information flow in the system by tracing the operation sequence of the system.


Then, it studies the supply chain management system as a complex system to confirm the state existing during operating of the system. After that, it conducts a probability analysis on the state which the system located by applying supplement variable method, and establishes the model of distributed parameter system in a form of partial differential equations. Combining C0 ? semigroup theory in the functional analysis, it conducts a dynamic analysis on the established mathematical model. Using this method, it obtains the mathematical expression of the dynamic solution and the steady state solution, and proves the uniqueness, non-negativity and the asymptotic stability of the system solution. This dissertation applies the Matlab tool and uses two-step, three-step Simpson integral equation to imitate the condition of system solution. Then, it adds possible mode of failure and the optimization adjustment state to the system, based on which it has established the distributed parameter system model which is described by partial differential system of equations. Combining the functional analysis C0 ? semigroup theory, it studies the established mathematical model, and obtains the mathematical expression of the dynamic solution system and the steady state solution. It has proven the existing of uniqueness of the system solution, the asymptotic stability of system solution and the system solution. In addition, it has lying the theory rationale for further analysis and the research on the optimization of system.

本文首先简要综述了供应链理论、可靠性研究、鲁棒性研究以及供应链鲁棒性研究的现状;然后,将供应链系统作为一个复杂系统来分析,确定了系统运行过程中所经历的状态,通过引入补充变量的方法,建立了用偏微分方程组描述的分布参数系统模型,用泛函分析中的C_0 -半群理论得到了系统动态解和稳态解的数学表达式,证明了系统解存在的唯一性、非负性和指数阶渐近稳定性;并借助Matlab工具,利用二阶、三阶辛普森积分方程模拟系统解的性态,并给出系统动态解的仿真图;本文又对上述系统增加了系统可能失效状态和优化调整状态,并在此基础上建立了用偏微分方程组描述的分布参数系统模型,同样用泛函分析中的C_0 -半群理论对所建立的数学模型进行了研究,得到系统动态解和稳态解的数学表达式,证明了系统动态解存在的唯一性、非负性及渐近稳定性,为进一步分析和研究供应链优化奠定了理论基础。

There exits several MDO algorithms. But they are in our opinion either nonefficient or complicated. So we devised an algorithm called Subspace Approximation Optimization . In the SAO algorithm, the whole system is decomposed into one system-level optimization and several disciplinary optimizations so that a large and complicated problem can be divided into several easy-solving sub-problems. The coupling relationships and the coordination among disciplines are presented by equality constraints and these equality constraints are assigned to relevant disciplines. The optimums of design variables in system level optimization are transferred to discipline level optimization. The optimums of design variables in discipline level correspond to the point that is the nearest to the optimums of design variables in system level. If the optimums of design variables in system level are out of feasible region of discipline 1eve1, linear constraints can be built in the system level optimization using the design variable optimums obtained by the discipline level optimization. The system level optimization would improve the design of the whole system with these linear constraints.

目前,国内外已经发展出了多种飞机多学科设计优化算法,本文的重点是针对协同优化算法的不足,提出了子空间近似优化算法(Subspace ApproximatingOptimization,SAO),SAO算法中,整个系统的优化问题被分解成一个系统级优化和若干学科级优化,而各个学科之间的耦合与权衡关系则被当作等式约束,这些等式约束将被分配到各个学科级优化中去,系统级优化的任务是寻找整个系统的最优解,而学科级优化的目标函数是以系统级优化分配下来的设计点为圆心的超球半径的平方,因此,如果系统级优化分配下来的设计点在学科级优化可行域内,则学科级优化目标函数为0,反之,则学科级优化的最优点是系统级优化当前设计点距离可行域最近的点。

System.out.println("a.length="+ a.length); System.out.println("b.length ="+ b.length);// The handles inside the array are // automatically initialized to null: for(int i = 0; i nbsp;b.length; i++) System.out.println; System.out.println("c.length ="+ c.length); System.out.println("d.length ="+ d.length); a = d; System.out.println("a.length ="+ a.length);// Java 1.1 initialization syntax: a = new Weeble { new Weeble, new Weeble }; System.out.println("a.length ="+ a.length);// Arrays of primitives: int e;// Null handle int f = new int[5]; int g = new int[4]; for(int i = 0; i nbsp;g.length; i++) g = i*i; int h ={ 11, 47, 93 };// Compile error: variable e not initialized://!


A control system of variable air volume box was designed through inverse system method. Both inner loop of control system and outer loop of control system were designed through inverse system method.


The company has been devoting to product development and renewing. Aiming at metallurgical industry, iron and steel company's coking system and petrol-chemical oil refining system, the company developed new environmental protection equipments by itself, i.e. frequency variable multi-chain driven tar separator and revolving drum sulfur shaping machine. These two products have gained certificates of patent issued by National Patent Bureau and been widely applied in oil refining system and coking system.In 2008 we have manufactured trolley system and facilities for ZHONG GANG Group .


The system implemented forest fire model selection automatically and intelligently. BP artificial neural network model of forest fire model selection was build by treating forest fire environment data as inputting variable and treating appropriate forest fire model as outputting variable. At the same time, we studied the methods of acquiring and calculating data of inputting and outputting. The system implemented machine of model selection automatically based on dynamic data driven technology. We selected 72 items experimental data from historical forest fire records in Beijing to experiment and confirm the validity of model selection. It turned out that the reliability of model selection is more than 80 percent.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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