英语人>网络例句>uttering 相关的网络例句

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与 uttering 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the deep, unconscious sigh which not even the nearness of the telescreen could prevent him from uttering when his day's work started, Winston pulled the speakwrite towards him, blew the dust from its mouthpiece, and put on his spectacles


By a violent effort he rose half out of the water, waving his cap, and uttering a loud shout peculiar to sailers


The unseen larks burst into song above the velvety fresh green and the frozen stubble,the pewits began to cry above the water brought down by the storm and still flooding the low-lying places and marshes,and high up the cranes and geese flew,uttering their spring call.


Mr Linton had resumed his seat by the bed; on my re-entrance, he raised his eyes, read the meaning of my blank aspect, and dropped them without giving an order, or uttering a word.


At bathing-time he would stand waist-deep in the water and meditate on God, uttering the sacred mantra; then the tears would flow from his eyes.


At this stage, children are heard uttering two-word expressions in a variety of combinations; express a certain variety of grammatical relations.


Once I sat upon a promontory, and heard a mermaid, on a dolphin's back, uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath, that the rude sea grew civil at her song, and certain stars shot madly from their spheres to hear the sea-maid's music.


But they just smiled their usual smile, uttering the usual endearments:"Take care of yourselves","Have a nice trip","Watch your health","Write us if you need anything."


But in spite of all his efforts, HE could not refrain from uttering a deep groan, which,however, was lost amid tHE noisy felicitations of tHE company


Fernand closed his eyes, a burning sensation passed across his brow, and he was compelled to support himself by the table to prevent his falling from his chair; but in spite of all his efforts, he could not refrain from uttering a deep groan, which, however, was lost amid the noisy felicitations of the company.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
