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This article reviews the clinical application of Herba Artemisiae in the abatement of fever in Qing dynasty,and further offers its antifebrile experience in treating cold,acute tonsillitis,rheumatoid arthritis,acute cholecystitis,urinary infection and functional low fever.


The results obtained in our experiments may be summarized as follows:(1)In the acute experiment the distention of the urinary bladder by introducing warm saline (about 37℃)through a cannula inserted in the neck of the bladder was,as a rule,accompanied by reflex oliguria or anuria.


Methods Arsenic acid digestion cerium contact spectrophotometry was applied to detect urinary iodine among pregnant women and infants (range: 3~24 months).


The most common adverse events were headache, arthralgia, upper respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infection and influenza, and were also comparable between belimumab and placebo treatment groups.


In case kidney-qi is deficient, there will be the disturbance of its qi transformation and astrictive action, causing the irregular opening and closing of the urinary bladder, manifested as dysuria, incontinence of urine, enuresis and frequency of micturition.


Objective To study spatial autocorrelation and spatial variation of urinary iodine of children and to provide references for statistical data analysis of spatial disease.

目的 探讨碘缺乏病监测资料儿童尿碘的空间自相关性及变异情况,为地方病的防治提供科学的依据,为疾病空间数据的分析提供统计学方法上的参考。

Bacteriuria, for example, is a urinary tract infection that can cause premature birth or low birth weight if it isn't treated.


Results The age,sex,the course of disease,the glycemia without meal and GHbA1c were closely related to the elderly type2diabetes patients.The urinary infection such as asymptomatic bacteriuria was common in clinic.The ma-jor flora detected was Gram megative bacillus.

结果 年龄、性别、糖尿病病程、空腹血糖及糖化血红蛋白与老年2型糖尿病合并泌尿系感染关系密切;泌尿系感染的临床类型以无症状性菌尿主,其菌群分布以G -杆菌为主。

Then take the contrast of the two antimicrobial susceptibility testing and the extent of the coincidence of the selecˉtionof the NIT and LEU bacteriuria testing.Results In96patients of the acute urinary infection,90positive sample of both NIT and LEU,and6NIT-negative LEU-positive sample,and through culture both samples examine the bacˉteria.

结果 96例急性泌尿道感染患者尿液标本中,NIT和LEU均阳性样本90份,NIT阴性、LEU阳性样本6份,经培养均检测出病原菌;LEU00/μl的样本直接涂片找细菌阳检率低。

Results showed that the only intact basement membrane complex was found on the luminal surface of the ECM deried from the urinary bladder and that the basement membrane was an effectie barrier to penetration of the scaffold by the seeded cells.


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Freaky Lil' Things

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Its fluid flow passage is semi-enclosed with crank-ling blades, and its pressure surface and suction surface are both free-form surface, so manufacturing rimed turbine blisks is very difficult.


The West Germanic language of England, the United States, and other countries that are or have been under English influence or control.
