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与 urethane 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

METHODS: The rats in the two groups were anaesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of 10 g/L urethane (1 g/kg) and the chest was opened to insert a tube into the ascending aorta for perfusion with 200 mL of the mixture containing glutaric dialdehyde and paraformaldehyde for fixation.

两组大鼠给予质量浓度为10 g/L的乌拉坦1 g/kg腹腔内注射,麻醉后开胸,升主动脉插管,戊二醛与多聚甲醛混合固定液200 mL灌流固定,取嗅球,振荡切片,锇酸后固定,平板包埋,光镜下选取嗅球各层,制备超薄切片,透射电镜下对比观察。

The synthesized PCU was then characterized by infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, small-angle X-ray scattering, and tensile strength measurement. The IR showed that the polymer synthesized by the above two methods both have the polycarbonate-urethane structure and the tensile measurement showed good mechanical performance of the polymer. The DSC and TGA data showed that there is an obvious soft-hard glass transition area, which indicated the existence of the micro-phase separation structure. The extent of the phase separation was affected by the ratio of starting materials, the molecular weight of PCD, and the polymerization method. The decomposition upon heating was observed in two steps. SAXS result showed that the radius (r_2), the distance between domains (d_2), and gyral radius (R_2) of hard segment micro-domain were fairly affected by the starting materials ratio and soft segment content.

IR结果表明两种方法合成的聚合产物均具有聚碳酸酯聚氨酯的结构;拉伸实验表明聚合产物具有良好的力学性能;DSC、TG结果表明,聚合物呈现出较为明显的软硬段玻璃化转变区,表明存在微相分离的结构,相分离的程度受原料配比、软段分子量、聚合方法的影响,其热分解分为明显的两个阶段; SAXS结果表明,聚合物原料配比、软段含量的变化对硬段微区回旋半径R_2,微区间距d_2,微区半径r_2影响不大其值分别为9.5(A|°、29、7.4,但对软段的微区半径及间距影响较大,随着软段含量的增大,软段微区的半径r1和间距d1都增大。

In ternary system of PGA/POH and HDI isocyanurate, there are twomain reactions: one forms urethane at 30-50℃, the other producesoxazolidone at 140-165℃.


Overproof of monomer content is the key problem that restricts poly-urethane coatings' development.


ABSTRACT AIM: To study the effects of dl-, l- and d-3-n-butylphthalide on pial arteriole diameter and blood flow velocity in focal ischemia rats. METHODS: Urethane-anesthetized rats were instrumented for monitoring pial AD and BFV in the cranial window preparation.


Methods Spontaneous afferent discharge of subdiaphragmatic vagus nerve was recorded in urethane anesthetized rats.


It indicated that when the midbrain reticular formation induced cortical desynchronization through the thalamocortical loop, it simultaneously excitated an inhibitory path which acted on the bodies of dentate granule cells and declined the excitability of granule cells. After the injection of Urethane, the negative correlation between EPSPs and PSs were weakened.


The reaction kinetics of polyurethane formation and that of trimerization of isocyanate in a system of polyisocyanurate modified by urethane were studied by FTIR. The results show that the two competing reactions occurred and progressed simultaneously, and the trimerization was found to be first order, and the polyurethane formation was first order with respect to the isocyanate concentration and zero order with respect to the polyol concentration.


For clarity during bad weather conditions the Oakley A Frame has a flexible urethane chassis, that is cut with ram air surge ports, which give you defogging ventilation from circular air flow.


N=6.1.Sham operated group: which were administrated with 10% glucose injection(2ml/kg) abdomently. One hour later, w ire narcotized with Urethane, then,one side femoral vein was separated.


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