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与 up-face 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I like 7-UP best.7-UP is my favourite drink,too.


Know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) Be, B-Boys and girls, listen up You can be anything in the world, in God we trust An architect, doctor, maybe an actress But nothing comes easy it takes much practice Like, I met a woman who's becoming a star She was very beautiful, leaving people in awe Singing songs, Lina Horn, but the younger version Hung with the wrong person Gotta astrung when I heard when Cocaine, sniffing up drugs, all in her nose Coulda died, so young, no looks ugly and old No fun cause when she reaches for hugs people hold they breath Cause she smells of corrosion and death Watch the company you keep and the crowd you bring Cause they came to do drugs and you came to sing So if you gonna be the best, I'ma tell you how Put your hands in the air And take the bell I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) Be, B-Boys and girls, listen again This is for grown looking girls who's only ten The ones who watch videos and do what they see As cute as can be, up in the club with fake ID Careful,'fore you meet a man with HIV You can host the TV like Oprah Winfrey Whatever you decide, be careful, some men be Rapists, so act your age, don't pretend to be Older than you are, give yourself time to grow You thinking he can give you wealth, but so Young boys, you can use a lot of help, you know You thinkin life's all about smokin weed and ice You don't wanna be my age and can't read and right Begging different women for a place to sleep at night Smart boys turn to men and do whatever they wish If you believe you can achieve, then say it like this I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) Be, be,'fore we came to this country We were kings and queens, never porch monkeys It was empires in Africa called Kush Timbuktu, where every race came to get books To learn from black teachers who taught Greeks and Romans Asian Arabs and gave them gold when Gold was converted to money it all changed Money then became empowerment for Europeans The Persian military invaded They learned about the gold, the teachings and everything sacred Africa was almost robbed naked Slavery was money, so they began making slave ships Egypt was the place that Alexander the Great went He was so shocked at the mountains with black faces Shot up they nose to impose what basically Still goes on today, you see?

f the truth is told, the youth can grow They learn to survive until they gain control Nobody says you have to be gangstas, hoes Read more learn more, change the globe Ghetto children, do your thing Hold your head up, little man, you're a king Young Prince thats when you get your wedding ring Your man is saying "She's my queen" I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) Save the music y'all, save the music y'all Save the music y'all, save the music y'all Save the music 我认识我能是什么我想要当如果我工作难的在它我将是我想要当的地方我认识我能是什么我想要当如果我工作难的在它我将是我想要当的地方是, B-男孩和女孩,听在你能是任何事在世界上,在上帝我们信赖一位建筑师医生,也许一个女演员但是无来容易的它拿很多练习同类,我遇到了合式的一个女人一星她非常美丽,离开敬畏的人歌唱歌, Lina 喇叭,但是年纪较小者版本和错误的人吊必须 astrung 当我听到的时候当古柯碱,在药物上面嗅,所有的在她里面鼻子 Coulda 死了,如此年轻,没有容貌丑陋和旧的没有乐趣因素当她延伸为拥抱人把握他们呼吸引起她腐蚀和死亡的味道手表公司你保存和那群众你带来引起他们开始做药物和你开始唱因此如果你去是那最好, I'ma 告诉你如何把你的手放入那空气而且拿铃我认识我能是什么我想要当如果我工作难的在它我将是我想要当的地方我认识我能是什么我想要当如果我工作难的在它我将是我想要当的地方是, B-男孩和女孩,再听这是为长大的看只是十的女孩那人手表影像而且做什么他们见到当做可爱的当做能是,向上的在那以假的身份证联合行动小心的,'在前的你会一个患有爱滋病毒的男人你能主人像 Oprah Winfrey 一样的电视无论你决定,很小心什么,一些男人是强奸者,因此行为你的年龄,做不假装当资深者超过你是,给予你自己时间生长你思考他能给予你财富,但是如此年轻的男孩,你能使用许多帮忙,你知道你 thinkin 生活所有有关 smokin 杂草和冰的事你做不想要当我的年龄和不能阅读和权利为一个地方请求不同的女人到睡眠在晚上聪明的男孩求助于男人而且做任何的他们希望如果你相信你能达成,然后发言权它同类这我认识我能是什么我想要当如果我工作难的在它我将是我想要当的地方我认识我能是什么我想要当如果我工作难的在它我将是我想要当的地方是,是,'在前的我们总计了这国家我们是国王和皇后,从不门廊猴子它在叫做 Kush 的非洲是帝国 Timbuktu,哪里每个比赛开始拿书从教希腊人的黑色老师和罗马人了解亚洲人阿拉伯人而且给予了他们黄金当黄金是转换至钱它全部改变钱然后变成了欧洲人的赋与权能波斯的军队侵入他们有学问的大约黄金、教学和每件事物神圣的非洲几乎抢夺赤裸的奴隶的身份是钱,因此他们开始赚奴隶船埃及是地方亚历山大棒者去他是如此震动在山与黑色的脸注射在他们上面鼻子强加什么基本上仍然继续进行今天,你见到?

The main problem studied in this thesis are properties of positive solutions to a semi-linear parabolic system with non-local nonlinear sources and null Dirichlet boundary conditions. We give the analysis about asymptotic property: blow-up rate, blow-up set and blow-up profiles.


Keep up / keep sb. up / keep up with / catch up with

keep up继续,维持;振作,使不低落

The Lace-up group's center of pressure displacement quantity is bigger than other two groups,therefore its balance ability is also bad, therefore suggested the athlete when wearing ankle braces sports should inquire specialized doctor and the protection suggestion avoids injury.

人体在穿戴不同踝部护具执行单脚著地后迅速推蹬动作时, Lace-up和Air stirrup这两种护具在著地期间确实具有限制关节活动度的效果,但也因踝关节跖屈能力的下降造成人体著地时缓冲地面冲击力能力下降的现象,造成本研究结果在地面反作用力垂直分力Lace-up和Air stirrup组都较赤足组来的较大,著地时脚的负荷率Lace-up组和Air stirrup组都较赤足组来的较大,且Lace-up组在著地期压力中心偏移量也较其他两组大,故其平衡能力也有差异,故建议运动员在穿著踝部护具运动前应询问专业医师及防护员的建议以避免因此而受到伤害。

When a discussion is made on the blow-up problem for a semilinear development equation with singular cofficient,the solution is usually estimated,then the conditions for the blow-up problem are presented.

讨论奇异半线性发展方程组解的B low-up问题时,通常先对解进行估计,然后讨论在一定条件下解的B low-up。论文继续用这种方法讨论奇异半线性发展方程组解的B low-up问题,得到一定条件下解会B low-up

I'm still in love i'm telling you straight up still in love i can't believe we could break up i'm still in love can we get, can we get back to it, can we get, can we get back cause i'm still in love, still in love girl you got me going crazy, thinking bout you everyday the feelings that i have for you, baby they will never go away girl i'm still in love, no matter what dem wan sey you got me so caught up, so baby just come my way i'm trying, i'm trying, but i'm lying, i'm lying cause i'm crying, i'm crying, i'm dying without you there's nobody, nobody, nobody that moves me like you do i'm still in love i'm telling you straight up still in love i can't believe we could break up i'm still in love can we get, can we get back to it, can we get, can we get back cause i'm still in love, still in love i'm still in love i'm telling you straight up still in love i can't believe we could break up i'm still in love can we get, can we get back to it, can we get, can we get back cause i'm still in love, still in love

我是仍然在朝派爱注意不加冰块的仍然在朝派爱i不能相信我们是罐破碎向上的移动我是仍然在朝派爱罐我们到达罐我们回来向它罐我们到达罐我们回来原因我是仍然在朝派爱仍然在朝派爱女孩你得到自我发疯思考较量你每天每天感情那个i富人为你当作婴儿般对待他们意愿从不去在客方场地的比赛去在客方场地的比赛女孩我是仍然在朝派爱不管什么dem变苍白sey dem 变苍白sey你得到自我如此抓住向上的移动如此当作婴儿般对待仅仅来我的方式来我的方式我是请尝试我是请尝试但是我是撒谎我是撒谎原因我是高喊我是高喊我是死去外面你那里's没有人没有人没有人那个移动自我爱好你社交聚会我是仍然在朝派爱注意不加冰块的仍然在朝派爱i不能相信我们是罐破碎向上的移动我是仍然在朝派爱罐我们到达我们能重新回到它,我们能得到,我们能把原因送回去我仍然是 in love, still in love i'm still in love i'm telling you straight up still in love i can't believe we could break up i'm still in love can we get, can we get back to it, can we get, can we get back cause i'm still in love, still in love

Airo {ah'-ee-ro} a primary root; TDNT - 1:185,28; v AV - take up 32, take away 25, take 25, away with 5, lift up 4, bear 3, misc 8; 102 1 to raise up, elevate, lift up 1a to raise from the ground, take up: stones 1b to raise upwards, elevate, lift up: the hand 1c to draw up: a fish 2 to take upon one's self and carry what has been raised up, to bear 3 to bear away what has been raised, carry off 3a to move from its place 3b to take off or away what is attached to anything 3c to remove 3d to carry off, carry away with one 3e to appropriate what is taken 3f to take away from another what is his or what is committed to him, to take by force 3g to take and apply to any use 3h to take from among the living, either by a natural death, or by violence 3i cause to cease

相关经文回前一页 142 airo {ah'-ee-ro}原始的字根; TDNT - 1:185,28;动词 AV - take up 32, take away 25, take 25, away with 5, lift up 4, bear 3, misc 8; 102 1 举起,提起,提高 1a 由地上举起,拿起一个东西:例:石头 1b 举起,抬高,提高一个东西:例:头 1c 拖,拉一个东西:例:鱼 2 to take upon one's self and 拿走被举起的东西,承担 3 拿走被举起的东西,强行带走 3a 由一个地方迁移 3b 拿走或移走附在一个东西上的物件 3c 移开 3d 带走一个人 3e 欣赏被带走的东西 3f 拿走原属於一个人或已经允诺给他的东西,夺取 3g 拿走且任意使用 3h 死亡,不论是自然死亡或因著外力 3i 停止

The phrases like "fair off" and "fair up" may be the origin of modern and less regional coinings, such as 'mild up', used on a television weather forecast:"The Southwest is beginning to mild up just a tad."

这些词组,像fair off和fair up,或许正是现代不再具地区性的词句的起源,例如mild up,用于电视天气预报:&西南将变得暖和一点&

We call UP our friends and we use it to brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver, we warm UP the leftovers and clean UP the kitchen.


第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Chin Up, Cheer Up
Up, Up And Away
Up Up Up Up Up Up
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
Up! Up! Up!
Roll It Up, Light It Up, Smoke It Up
Wrapped Up, Tied Up, Tangled Up
Up Up Up
Up Up Up
Up Up Up

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
