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up to it相关的网络例句

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与 up to it 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The research contents mainly include: First, the influence of foundation constraint condition to the temperature stress is analyzed, the temperature stress formula of ultra-long concrete anchor plate is deduced, then the influence of length to structure crack can be gotten from the formula. Second, a breathing method is set up to solve the problem of temperature stress in ultra-long concrete constructions. By setting the sliding floor, a breathing system is built up and the temperature stress reduced distinctly. Third, the effect of prestress technique in the control of temperature stress is analyzed, it is simulated and calculated through FEA to get the right way to apply the prestress. Forth, the delay of temperature field and unsteady conduction is considered, the temperature field of ultra-long concrete structure with later poured band is simulated, then temperature stress distribution after casting the concrete is calculated, finally the effect of later poured band to temperature stress of ultra-long structure is analyzed.


The microspore was more like a tetrahedron, whilethe polar was more like a triangle. The number of microspore in every anther wasbetween 2600~3600, so the amount of pollen was quite large that it was propitiousto spread and pollination. P/O was 8088 and the breed system was singleheterosexual copulatoryb. The viability of pollen was normally above 50%. The testof pollen culture showed that the viability of pollen was up to the tiptop under thehigher temperature and lower humidity (38℃,40%),while it was weakest under thelower temperature and lower humidity (16℃,40%).The OCI is 4, and the breedsystem was belong to autocopulation. If it was heterosexual copulatory, there must beintermediums for pollination. It was recorded there were more than 40 species ofinsects on the anthotaxy or followers of Malania Oleifera. Under different weather,different living environments and different plants the frequency and rush hour of theinsects to visit the followers were different. Actions of different kinds of insect werealso different. According to the results of the observation, the form of fluid and seedof Malania Oleifera mostly rely on the action of insect pollination, especially thebees.


Although the production of relatively small achromatic and apochromatic refractor telescopes of up to 15cm, and catadioptic systems of up to 18cm, all with a variety of accessories at Jena would continue until 1994 when it was realized that Zeiss could not compete in the world market; the Zeiss "APQ" refractor telescopes optics were among the finest in the world but the inability to Zeiss to adapt these products promptly to the realities of a free marketplace assured their demise.


To give the definition of the mass concrete and to concrete\'s cracks together with practical meanings of control ,and give a brief review on the research in the field at home and abroad, at last, methods to control temperature crack of the mass concrete from several aspects such as design measures,concrets material, construction schedules.etc are summed up; To explain the physical mechanics of the concrete and computing methods-Difference Method and Finite Element Method, and illustrate the application of their specific methods repectively;Several temperature factors that can influence the temperature stress of mass concrete baseplate are analyzed. The influence degree of temperature factor can be got through the ANSYS simulation computation the control of temperature can control the temperature stress, consequently control the temperature crack of mass concert baseplate; through the influence of the crack resistance ability of mass concrete baseplate which takes the reinforcement as a part is analyzed. By ANSYS simulation, the best suited volume ratio of reinforcement is found out, at same time the layout of reinforcement with the same volume ratio can also affect the resistance ability of mass concrete baseplate. Sum up of above analysis, anti-crack function of steel bar in early mass concrete baseplate is obvious, so it\'s necessary to consider beneficial effect of construction steel bar in research of temperature control on mass concrete baseplate.


It can take up to 20 years for a Beluga Sturgeon to reach its maximum size and they can weigh up to 2 tonnes.


When I walked up to the eyepiece the eyecup was folded down and for me to center the image and not have any blacking out I needed the eyecup up and it took me a few seconds to get my eye placed in the best position.

当我走到目镜的 eyecup 折下来,我中心的形象和没有发黑了,我需要 eyecup 起来,我花了几秒钟找我眼睛放在最佳的位置。

He came up to me when it was almost midnight and advised me, in all seriousness, to put up a camp bed to sleep in the office.


Present stage, have already appeared a lot of dissimilarity of political group, even is governments in all countries make use of network of outlet beginning as to it's people of other house and region carry on caring to know with behavior realm up of influence of publicity, to those with oneself the government and group of position and dissidence carry on political up of pound at, scheme attain can falter and Dian Fu they of purpose.


When I'm satisfied with the general volume a shell modifier helps me to give thickness to the piece. In this phase, I don't usually bother that much about every single rivet, hole or cut, I just try to develop a good quad topology of the main volumes. Of course the topology is done by taking count of the main cuts and holes, but the rest can be done easily with a normal or bump map. It's up to you to decide how much a single detail is worth to be modeled or can it be put into a bump map. I usually adopt a "comfortable" criteria...it means that if something looks tricky to me to be carved or extruded into an existing geometry I usually put it into a normal map. When you make something for production, you don't usually have much time to model everything, so you need to set priorities.

当我对整个盔甲的体积感满意之后,一个shell修改器就可以帮我给整个盔甲添加厚度,在这个阶段,我通常不会考虑太多那些细小的铆钉,洞眼或者切边,我只是给整个的模型确立一个好的四边形拓扑结构,当然拓扑是通过重视主要的切割和打洞来形成的,但其余那些细小的部分可以用一个normal 或者bump贴图很容易地模拟出来,这由你来决定到底一个细节是值得建模还是放到一个bump贴图里面,我通常采用一个&舒服&的标准,也就是说,如果有什么东西对我来说,在已有模型上再挤出或者开洞是非常麻烦的,那么我就通过Normal贴图来表现,而当你为商业生产制作模型时,你通常都没有足够的时间来把任何东西都建出来,因此你需要设置重点。

And her daughter can get the piano keys to chat, and then go left, jump armor available, if we do not jump to the left take the hit BOSS, the focus of this strange change in his will, with the corresponding color of magic to hit it, hit Duct End later, at the same time the left side of the castle church door opened, and then move into the right part of the road, the first door below, and then come to the bottom, jump up the right side of the first scene, the far right can be破墙320 ore, and then be able to return to the road and walk up to the Secretary for Education and experience, and his words can have only the sewer, while chest is 250 ore, and finally take the right side of the door, where there are leave, the old lady to take the jack-o'-lantern Baozhu, we can see the true path, to shield jump available, the most right is the BOSS, is a wolf, the attention of multi-running, over BOSS, be cross badge, now go to the castle Chapel, and


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Leave It Up To Me
Baby It's Up To You
It's Up To You
It's Not Up To You
It's Up To You Now
Make It Up To You
It Is Usually The Boys Who Cry Wolf That Grow Up To Be The Men Who Cry Sanctuary
It's Up To You
It's Up To You
If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
